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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - nightly matrix build build #462: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 52 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: Remove HasParentDistance trait, becase it wasn't used anywhere.
< jenkins-mlpack> * andrewmw94: now add the actual files the way they are supposed to exist. No real code yet.
< jenkins-mlpack> * andrewmw94: remove the silly folders I added when I meant to add txt files.
< jenkins-mlpack> * sumedhghaisas: added module 'lmf'(Latent Matrix Factorization) to accommodate SVD based update rules alongside NMF based update rule. CF module is updated to use LMF module.
< jenkins-mlpack> * andrewmw94: added more code for the rectangle type trees
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: Remove the Pelleg-Moore k-means implementation; it is being replaced.
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< marcus_zoq> Hello udit, I will look at your code in a few minutes. The next step would be to write tests for the DecisionStump class.
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< udit_s> okay.
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< naywhayare> udit_s: can I get a link to a reference describing the maximum-entropy splitting algorithm you are using?
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< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1913 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< naywhayare> andrewmw94: last night I removed the TreeTraits<>::HasParentDistance property; it wasn't used anywhere
< andrewmw94> yeah, I saw that
< andrewmw94> I added a comment to the baseCase() function. I don't know if there was a reason it didn't already have a description?
< andrewmw94> I'll commit so you can see it
< naywhayare> yeah, thanks; probably the reason it didn't have a comment was that it was overlooked
< andrewmw94> also, it might be nice to add a comment somewhere in the trees explaining that the RuleType stuff is in the methods/neighborSearch folder. But that's more for understanding the code than for the typical end user
< andrewmw94> and I'm not really sure where such a comment would go
< naywhayare> I'm planning to write a tutorial on mlpack trees and dual-tree algorithms at some point
< andrewmw94> ahh
< naywhayare> and that would probably explain things well, but I have a paper deadline coming up in early June so it has to wait at least until then...
< andrewmw94> yeah. Deadlines make it so nothing ever gets done
< naywhayare> it's funny how that works...
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1913: SUCCESS in 33 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: There's nothing in this directory and it appears to be unused.
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: The system doesn't exist anymore.
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< Anand> Hi Marcus!
< Anand> So, you were talking about the quadratic loss function. Right?
< marcus_zoq> Hi Anand, right.
< Anand> It takes into account both the probabilities and the actual class
< Anand> We deal with two vectors for each instance
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< marcus_zoq> Yeah, thats correct.
< Anand> Seems a nice way to implement the metric
< Anand> But do we have the way probabilities?
< Anand> *the probabilities
< marcus_zoq> Yeah, if we modify the nbc method.
< Anand> Ok. I will have a look into it
< marcus_zoq> It's just a small modification of the nbc_main.cpp file.
< Anand> In nbc_main.cpp?
< Anand> How?
< marcus_zoq> Maybe it's not just a small modification, let's check :)
< Anand> We will need to generate another file other than output.csv wherein each line will contain the probabilities of an instance being in each class
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< marcus_zoq> That would be good. Okay the propabilities are stored in pointProbs (line 144 naive_bayes_classifier_impl.hpp).
< Anand> Did you just add that?
< Anand> I need to build mlpack again then!
< marcus_zoq> No, we need to find a proper way to store the values :)
< Anand> So what did you do?
< Anand> I donot have pointProbs in my file
< Anand> :P
< marcus_zoq> I'm talking about this line: 'arma::vec pointProbs = testProbs.row(i).t();'
< Anand> In src/mlpack/methods/naive_bayes_classifier_impl.hpp?
< Anand> Am I running an older version?
< Anand> It is not there in mlpack 1.0.8 that I downloaded from
< marcus_zoq> Oh, I use the bleeding edge version :)
< Anand> So, I need to check out from svn then and build again?
< marcus_zoq> Yeah!
< Anand> Man!
< Anand> Please update the mlpack page too! :P
< Anand> Ok. After that. the pointProbs vector needs to be written to a file
< marcus_zoq> naywhayare: We need the probability for each of the data points. I think the simplest way to do that is to getter that returns arma::mat testProbs?
< marcus_zoq> add a getter
< marcus_zoq> A lot of task has to be done before a new release:
< naywhayare> marcus_zoq: sorry for the slow response... I was eating lunch
< naywhayare> I think we should add a function NaiveBayesClassifier::Predict() that fills a testProbs vector
< naywhayare> and then refactor Classify() so that it basically just calls Predict() and then assigns labels based on testProbs
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< marcus_zoq> naywhayare: Okay, that sounds good, Thanks!
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1914 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1914: SUCCESS in 34 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * andrewmw94: add a short and hopefully useful explanation of what different files are for, focusing on BSP trees.
< jenkins-mlpack> * andrewmw94: added comment to base case. Some more preliminaries for rectangle trees.
< naywhayare> andrewmw94: another class that's coded separately, in addition to bounds, metrics, splits, rules, and traversals, are statistics
< naywhayare> these statistics are generally used to cache information about the nodes that are relevant to certain tasks
< naywhayare> for instance, in nearest neighbor search, the NeighborSearchStat class is used as StatisticType, and it keeps track of the current bound for a query node
< naywhayare> where the current bound is that complicated B(N_q) function from the tree-independent dual-tree algorithms paper (or something similar)
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< andrewmw94> sorry about that. I hate my internet connection
< naywhayare> it's comcastic!
< andrewmw94> I'm confused on the mrkd_statistic_impl.hpp
< andrewmw94> it seems like most of it is accidentally commented out
< andrewmw94> so I assume that the file isn't really used?
< naywhayare> for some reason the routes from my house to campus, which is less than half a mile away, give all kinds of SSH lag. I'll never know why, because I'll never be able to talk to anyone at Comcast who actually knows anything about anything
< naywhayare> yeah, MRKDStatistic was for a kind of k-means clustering with trees, but it was written only for binary space trees
< naywhayare> I kept the file around because "I'll fix it someday"
< naywhayare> well, the day I'm fixing it actually happens to be today, but I'm going to throw MRKDStatistic away because I can perform the algorithm without needing a statistic in the tree
< andrewmw94> ahh
< naywhayare> I had thought what I would do was take MRKDStatistic and refactor it to work with any type of tree, and then the code in KMeans::FastCluster() would work... but I think it was definitely easier to just start over and do it differently
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #1915 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #1915: SUCCESS in 33 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> andrewmw94: add a description of statistic
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