< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - nightly matrix build build #449: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 33 min: http://big.cc.gt.atl.ga.us:8080/job/mlpack%20-%20nightly%20matrix%20build/449/
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< ryde> ..
< ryde> from /local/mhhakala/mlpack/mlpack-1.0.8/src/mlpack/core/dists/discrete_distribution.cpp:22:
< ryde> /share/apps/armadillo/4.100.0-mkl/usr/local/include/armadillo:59:27: error: mkl_service.h: No such file or directory
< ryde> so it refers to armadillo actually
< ryde> lots of similar issues with different mkl-related headers and functions
< ryde> well, now I got a bit further. I was using intel-c-compiler in the previous step. I dropped that and went on using linux gcc (while still using mkl libs) for armadillo.
< ryde> Still, the compilation fails as linker does not know about MKL
< ryde> [ 29%] Built target mlpack
< ryde> Linking CXX executable ../../../../bin/sparse_coding
< ryde> CMakeFiles/sparse_coding.dir/sparse_coding_main.cpp.o: In function `void arma::gemv<false, false, false>::apply_blas_type<double, arma::Mat<double> >(double*, arma::Mat<double> const&, double const*, double, double)':
< ryde> sparse_coding_main.cpp:(.text._ZN4arma4gemvILb0ELb0ELb0EE15apply_blas_typeIdNS_3MatIdEEEEvPT_RKT0_PKS5_S5_S5_[void arma::gemv<false, false, false>::apply_blas_type<double, arma::Mat<double> >(double*, arma::Mat<double> const&, double const*, double, double)]+0x191): undefined reference to `wrapper_dgemv_'
< ryde> how should I tell MLPACK
< ryde> 's cmake where to look for those?
< ryde> ok, reading a bit more on discussion list gave the help I needed. MLPack is now installed with Armadillo+MKL. Thanks for all the help.
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< oldbeardo> naywhayare: is there a way to take argmax in armadillo?
< naywhayare> there is an overload of max() that returns the index
< oldbeardo> yes, but that is just for one element, what if I want the column wise arg max of a matrix
< naywhayare> I don't think there is a good way to do that; you might have to write it by hand
< naywhayare> Conrad might accept a contribution into Armadillo if you wrote up another overload of max() that did a column-wise argmax or something like that
< oldbeardo> okay
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< oldbeardo> naywhayare: good news, the implementation is working
< oldbeardo> gives an accuracy of 79% when trained with 1000 examples from MNIST
< oldbeardo> I tested with 1000 examples
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