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< naywhayare> logging test
< naywhayare> <b>hello!</b>
< naywhayare> HTML in IRC is properly escaped :)
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - nightly matrix build build #446: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 32 min:
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< oldbeardo> naywhayare: hey, it's been a while since I last contributed, was busy with some stuff
< naywhayare> oldbeardo: I know how that goes :(
< oldbeardo> anyway, I was looking at ticket #345, is there something in particular you are waiting for?
< naywhayare> I have some contributions I still have to work into trunk but I haven't had time because I'm trying to prepare papers for NIPS...
< oldbeardo> yeah, even I was busy with a project report
< oldbeardo> I think you missed my question above
< naywhayare> no, I saw it... I was looking into it
< naywhayare> I think I was waiting for you to point out I had forgotten so that I could resolve it :)
< oldbeardo> heh, okay :)
< oldbeardo> also, I needed some help apart from the library development
< naywhayare> ok, go ahead
< oldbeardo> I'm really interested in getting a taste of ML research, but unfortunately no professor in my college is working in the field
< oldbeardo> also, I will be graduating soon, so doesn't make a difference
< oldbeardo> is there some way I can do it on my own? or are there labs who look for remote research assistance?
< naywhayare> it's difficult to get into a research group without being physically there, and being an independent researcher is really difficult (which I know because I sort of am one after my advsiro left)
< naywhayare> *advisor
< naywhayare> your best bet would be to try and get to a university that has a machine learning group for graduate work (if you are interested in graduate work), or find an internship/job with a company that does machine learning
< naywhayare> at least, that's what I think. my view of how to do machine learning research is admittedly limited since I only have my own experience and some stories from others I know :)
< naywhayare> in the mean time, bringing yourself up to speed on the state of the art is a long process, but doesn't necessarily require a group
< oldbeardo> yeah, that's what I thought too
< naywhayare> you can read NIPS proceedings or ICML proceedings or AISTATS proceedings and get an idea of what is going on
< naywhayare> for me, it took about two or three years of reading papers and playing around with code to become knowledgeable about my own subfield (dual-tree algorithms and computational geometry),
< naywhayare> and even still I have many important papers that I need to read
< oldbeardo> okay, I get that reading papers will leave me more informed
< oldbeardo> but how do I translate that into something that I can put on my grad school application
< naywhayare> sorry, I'm having trouble staying connected to the local wireless network
< naywhayare> reading papers doesn't give you anything to put on a grad school application, you are right
< naywhayare> however, you can say that you contribute to open-source machine learning libraries :)
< oldbeardo> heh, that is surely one thing that is going onmy application :)
< naywhayare> other than that I'm not sure what else you could add. if you do have a research idea that seems to have promising results, you could submit it to a conference or workshop
< oldbeardo> yup, thanks for the discussion
< oldbeardo> I need to go now, I will start work from tomorrow
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