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<naoki> dsimic: thank you for your help, I am always helped by you :)
<dsimic> naoki: I'm glad to help :)
<dsimic> and I often learn a lot by doing that, sometimes by making honest mistakes :)
<dsimic> I'll prepare and send a couple of patches related to the "dma-noncoherent" DT property
<naoki> Now I'm rewriting node names. I'm not sure if my way is the right direction...
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<dsimic> I haven't looked into that patch yet
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<dsimic> naoki: my patches are ready for me to test them :)
<dsimic> modified: arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-base.dtsi
<dsimic> modified: drivers/irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c
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<naoki> rock-5t$ echo host | sudo tee /sys/class/typec/port0/data_role
<naoki> host
<naoki> (hanged... waiting something?)
<naoki> rock-5b-plus$ echo host | sudo tee /sys/class/typec/port0/data_role
<naoki> host
<naoki> tee: /sys/class/typec/port0/data_role: Resource temporarily unavailable
<naoki> hmm...?
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<dsimic> we replied to Marc both at the same time :)
<dsimic> I hope you're fine with me replying there
<naoki> Now I'm copy & paste your comment :D
<dsimic> good :)
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<naoki> BTW why sdmmc has both cap-mmc-highspeed and no-mmc?
<naoki> Why sdhci doesn't have cap-mmc-highspeed? there are mmc-hsXXX...
<Kwiboo> naoki: ife.g. an emmc adapter work in sdcard slot I would skip no-mmc and add cap-mmc-highspeed on sdmmc node, if not I would drop cap-mmc-highspeed and add no-mmc
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<Kwiboo> for sdhci it may be that highspeed is implied when mmc-hsXXX is defined, but may be that only hs200 is implied with hs400, so should probably be added
<naoki> Yesterday I remembered I have eMMC->uSD adapter, so I tried it, and it doesn't work ;)
<Kwiboo> also know that mmc-highspeed does not work well on rk3588 in u-boot, unless hs200 (tuning) has happended
<naoki> If my memory is correct, it somehow worked in the past...
<Kwiboo> yeah, I have had some board that work others does not with a sMMC->uSD adapter, not something I typically test but sometime :)
<naoki> I'm writing the dts for ROCK 5C/5B+/5T from scratch, so I want to make it as accurate as possible.,
<naoki> (Actually, I copied and pasted some parts...)
<naoki> Btw, there are some things I don't know about our products... ;)
<Kwiboo> hehe, I did something similar with rk3588s-odroid-m2.dts, tried to do most from scratch, but then compared other board DTs and the board vendor DT just to see if something could be missing
<Kwiboo> Can see that I put no-mmc in sdmmc there, probably never tested my eMMC->uSD adapter :-)
<naoki> e.g. E52C V1.2 has no RTC, I removed it from dts. then, I heard it will be available again in future version. ;)
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<Kwiboo> naoki: hehe, hw changes is fun ;-)
<dsimic> naoki: please see this article:
<dsimic> I wonder is it known how does that affect RK3588(S)-based products from Radxa?
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<naoki> dsimic: I have no idea...
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<CounterPillow> Pretty sure that "change" already happened a year ago, it's why Pine Store isn't making anything RK3588 based.
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<dsimic> maybe, I'm not sure
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<CounterPillow> tllim said as much
<CounterPillow> Ah, 6 months ago, not a year.
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<dsimic> I believe it was about the pricing for the RK3588 SoC itself
<dsimic> ah, yes, this news from CNX software is actually quite old news
<dsimic> the whole ordeal with the stupid drones started back then
<dsimic> s/it was about/it was initially about/
<diederik> I hope Rockchip comes with some statement as all seems quite damaging to them. I'm not aware of anyone understanding the logic that went behind it
<dsimic> it would ne nice to see some official statement from Rockchip
<dsimic> s/ne/be/
<diederik> s/as all/as all this/
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