we replied to Marc both at the same time :)
I hope you're fine with me replying there
Now I'm copy & paste your comment :D
good :)
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BTW why sdmmc has both cap-mmc-highspeed and no-mmc?
Why sdhci doesn't have cap-mmc-highspeed? there are mmc-hsXXX...
naoki: ife.g. an emmc adapter work in sdcard slot I would skip no-mmc and add cap-mmc-highspeed on sdmmc node, if not I would drop cap-mmc-highspeed and add no-mmc
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for sdhci it may be that highspeed is implied when mmc-hsXXX is defined, but may be that only hs200 is implied with hs400, so should probably be added
Yesterday I remembered I have eMMC->uSD adapter, so I tried it, and it doesn't work ;)
also know that mmc-highspeed does not work well on rk3588 in u-boot, unless hs200 (tuning) has happended
If my memory is correct, it somehow worked in the past...
yeah, I have had some board that work others does not with a sMMC->uSD adapter, not something I typically test but sometime :)
I'm writing the dts for ROCK 5C/5B+/5T from scratch, so I want to make it as accurate as possible.,
(Actually, I copied and pasted some parts...)
Btw, there are some things I don't know about our products... ;)
hehe, I did something similar with rk3588s-odroid-m2.dts, tried to do most from scratch, but then compared other board DTs and the board vendor DT just to see if something could be missing
Can see that I put no-mmc in sdmmc there, probably never tested my eMMC->uSD adapter :-)
e.g. E52C V1.2 has no RTC, I removed it from dts. then, I heard it will be available again in future version. ;)
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I believe it was about the pricing for the RK3588 SoC itself
ah, yes, this news from CNX software is actually quite old news
the whole ordeal with the stupid drones started back then
s/it was about/it was initially about/
I hope Rockchip comes with some statement as all seems quite damaging to them. I'm not aware of anyone understanding the logic that went behind it
it would ne nice to see some official statement from Rockchip
s/as all/as all this/
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