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<warpme> Kwiboo qschulz : just FYI: my "issue" with nonworking pcie on 35xx was on my side: when i was adding pcie support for 2712 (rpi5) (i have common kernel for 11+ socs) - one option (taken from rpi defconfig) was too much. fixes issue and now all works nicely on 6.10.7 :-)
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<Kwiboo> does anyone have any insights into pwm-fan cooling-levels? do I need to define a cooling-maps with custom trip points or is it enought to just add the pwm-fan and linux will be smart to use it? please see
<dsimic> basically, you need to adjust the lowest non-zero value in cooling-levels so the fan starts spinning reliably
<dsimic> also, I'm not sure you're gaining anything by having four cooling maps
<dsimic> having two should be just fine, e.g. the way it's defined for the RockPro64
<dsimic> regarding adjusting the lowest non-zero value in cooling-levels, it's the best to tune it using an official heatsink/fan combo for the particular board
<dsimic> because that's the cooling setup that most users will have installed
<Kwiboo> thanks, was unsure how that works, in vendor DT they changed to just use three trip points with a rather high starting trip point at 60 deg c, see not sure if I should try to follow that or not ;-)
<qschulz> Kwiboo: rule of thumb is to not follow downstream if it's not explained properly :)
<dsimic> Kwiboo: hmm, who knows what kind of fan they used :)
<dsimic> IOW, I don't think that should be followed, instead just tune the cooling-levels for reliable fan start-up
<dsimic> here's what I referred to, regarding RP64:
<dsimic> having those two thermal trips ensures fanless operation until certain CPU/SoC temperature
<dsimic> which should result in quiet operation most of the time, hopefully :)
<dsimic> which also makes it more important to have reliable fan start-up, to ensure as low fan RPM as possible
<dsimic> when it actually starts spinning
<Kwiboo> qschulz: hehe, that is usually my initial take, do not trust downstream, they could possible have made some mistake ;-)
<Kwiboo> dsimic: thanks for pointers, hardkernel typically seem to stress test and calibrate vendor kernel pretty decent, so not sure if I should trust it or not :-), have a graph that show pref of stock fan and vendor used trip points
<diederik> I liked that they published those graphs ... which means they at least tested it :)
<diederik> oh wait, I saw it wrt the M1S:
<dsimic> Kwiboo: regarding cooling-levels, you can rather easily verify those downstream values
<dsimic> but ehwn it comes to having four thermal trips, that simply seems wrong
<Kwiboo> dsimic: if I understand correctly RP64 will just use 2 stage points of the fan, it has cooling-levels = <0 100 150 200 255>, so at 55deg it will use 100 and at 65 use 150, how does it use the higher steps/cooling-levels?
<dsimic> it just stays at 0 or 100 below 65 oC, and ramps up to 255 over 65 oC, as needed
<dsimic> cooling-device = <&fan THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 1>;
<dsimic> cooling-device = <&fan 2 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT>;
<dsimic> actually, it will remain at 0 until 55 oC and then start ramping up
<Kwiboo> dsimic: thanks, the ramping up part was mostly what was unclear to me
<dsimic> anytime... that's why having more than two thermal trips makes little sense
<dsimic> unless the fan is really strange and it can't rotate at unexact PWM levels, which I doubt
<dsimic> in that rather unbelievable :) case, you'd actually need those four thermal trips, to have it run at those exact PWM levels
<dsimic> but that would also sound much worse... it would sound like changing gearts in a car with manual transmission :)
<dsimic> s/gearts/gears/
<Kwiboo> I think the fan should be able to ramp up and not require those exact values, will try to run some stress tests over the weekend while completeing other work/series :-)
<dsimic> let us know the test results, please
<robmur01> FWIW my understanding/experience is that pwm-fan just steps from level to level as the trip points are passed
<robmur01> hence why I added a more-cooling-but-still-not-annoyingly-loud point between min and max for NanoPC-T4
<robmur01> scaling the PWM reactively based on temperature is a userspace thing
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<dsimic> robmur01: hmm, are all your changes for NanoPC-T4 upstreamed? if not, where can I have a look at them?
<dsimic> regarding userspace and PWM fans, I'm not really sure why should userspace have to do anything?
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