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<naoki> should I add cover-leltter for just one commit for cherry-picked dts?
<naoki> ^u-boot
<naoki> (I'm lazy...)
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<dsimic> mmind00: is there way to see are there any messages on the linux-rockchip mailing list that are currently awaiting moderation, because they were sent by someone not subscribed to the list?
<dsimic> naoki: in general, cover letters go together with patch series only
<dsimic> if you need to describe a patch beyond what fits into its description, you can always use the patch notes, which don't end up in the commit summary
<dsimic> see the git-notes(1) man page for more details
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<qschulz> dsimic: I'm not subscribed to the list and I can send mails
<qschulz> naoki: if you use b4, your cover letter will be added below the --- and before the diff whenever your series is 1-patch-long
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<dsimic> qschulz: I see, but I think there's some kind of approval for first-time posters... though, maybe I'm wrong there
<qschulz> dsimic: not that i'm aware of? or people pre-approved me through my mail address change?
<dsimic> I'm just guessing
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<qschulz> dsimic: are you sure the patch/message was sent as plaintext?
<dsimic> AFAICT yes... I received the message from other person yesterday, but it hasn't reached the ML yet
<qschulz> dsimic: the lore or the original ML?
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<dsimic> neither
<dsimic> the list of recipients is fine
<naoki> hmm, thanks
<naoki> btw I think linux-rockchip is moderated (at least for non-subscriber), I need to wait my e-mail to be delivered when I started to use address
<naoki> and probably my e-mail was whitelisted after sent some patches
<dsimic> IIRC, my very first message sent to linux-rockchip, to which I was already subscribed, was also delivered back with a delay
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<mmind00> dsimic: at the amount of "moderator request waiting" messages has not changed since the beginning of july
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<dsimic> mmind00: thanks for checking!
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<naoki> Kwiboo: is there any plan to submit rk3582 support patch for u-boot?
<diederik> Is something needed to move forward (ie get accepted)?
<mmind00> diederik: patch1 needs to go into the media-tree ... once that happens I can pick patch2
<diederik> ok, thanks
<diederik> And ? Patch 1 and 2 are accepted, but not the rest
<diederik> Is just gone? Or only temporarily unavailable?
<diederik> I had git:// as remote and that (also) just stopped working ...
<diederik> via gitlab.f.o I found I guess I missed the announcement of the move
<dsimic> I've seen those going away for a day or two
<diederik> I guess a redirect or a simple page informing about the new situation was too much work ...
* diederik mumbles about
<diederik> guess that patch set needs to be accepted by the drm maintainers
<dsimic> well, currently kind of works, but it seems to miss CSS information for some reason
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<dsimic> s/miss/lack/
<dsimic> oh yeah, it's the misbehaving again :)
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<Kwiboo> diederik: I will be working on getting ffmpeg v4l2-request patches out the door today, and send updated rkvdec hi10 + hevc series, likely tomorrow, and after that look more into the findings you and Chris made in the hdmi series
<diederik> wrt to 4k series: "failed to get ack on domain 'hevc'" is not related and IIRC that was a bogus msg anyway (dsimic could confirm?)
<diederik> avdd supplies messages have been fixed already and the audio stuff ("Only one simultaneous stream supported!") has been there a while, so unrelated to that series
<diederik> IOW: afaic everything works correctly. I'm not in the habit of hotplugging my HDMI cables, but I would be very surprised if that series had anything to do with it
<diederik> "It didn't happen with (an old) LibreELEC kernel" is not a valid comparison IMO. Haven't heard frm Chris since though
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<Kwiboo> hehe, I have not fully looked at exactly what your or Chris concerns whas, so good to know that it may not be any alarming issue :-)
<Kwiboo> in libreelec we also have 10-bit output support and custom pll table for vpll on rk3399, so some different results are expected, main question is if it is better or worse with/without the series
<diederik> Chris also mentioned a 5.sth kernel, which probably means 5.10 ... which is rather different from 6.10+; thus apples vs oranges afaic
<dsimic> diederik: I'm not really sure that's a bogus message... more investigation is needed
<diederik> ah, it was the "can't read the data register offset" message that will be fixed
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<dsimic> yes, that's been fixed already, and that was a bogus message
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<minute> does anyone know of or have a preliminary DSI driver for rk3588? i know there's the PHY patch(es), but they mention a "DSI2 controller driver" that afaik hasn't been posted?
<qschulz> mmind00: is working on it AFAIR
<minute> i would love to test it with some 7-inch 1920x1200 displays we have here
<minute> mmind00: if you have any WIP trees or patches with DSI bridge to share, i'd be very happy to test ^^
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<minute> i've now hack-ported the dw-mipi-dsi2-rockchip.c driver from the vendor 5.10 kernel but i don't expect things to work :D
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<diederik> Fix the dtb check warnings or explain why the check is incorrect
<naoki> I see
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<naoki> > it is up to the platform maintainer whether these warnings are acceptable or not. No need to reply unless the platform maintainer has comments.
<naoki> so what should I do is to ping mmind00? ;)