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<obbardc> does anyone know if the memory region used by vendor optee/trust is always at 0x8400000 for 0x1200000 or is it variable per platform? currently i have seen 0x1200000, 0x2000000 and 0x2400000 used as the length..... i'd like to know exactly how long this area should be.
<obbardc> 0x2000000 should be 32M, which should be the maximum?
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<obbardc> ok, i wrote a u-boot hack for cases when you use the vendor rkbin trust/optee. Any comments ?
<obbardc> also if there is a nicer option to use vendor trustzone (usecase is on boards which do not support open trustzone) please do let me know...
<macromorgan> man I wish Rockchip would release the A-TF sources for rk356x...
<obbardc> right, hence my horrible hacking :p
<macromorgan> have you been able to get the A-TF binaries after 1.28 working?
<obbardc> eh, currently i am looking at px30 (yes i know there's an open version) which uses px30_bl31_v1.31.elf and px30_bl32_v2.13.bin
<obbardc> for rk356x it's rk3588_bl31_v1.27.elf and rk3588_bl32_v1.10.bin right ?
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<a1batross> montjoie, I tested your patches. It seems you forgot compatible field in rk3588_crypto.c for rk3568
<a1batross> so obviously it doesn't gets loaded
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<montjoie> a1batross: argh sorry
<montjoie> a1batross: pushed the fix, could you retry please (and paste dmesg)
<a1batross> montjoie: I left my office sorry, could retry on my free time on monday. Is it fine? :(
<montjoie> no problem, I could wait
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<naoki> is it too late for v6.0?
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