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aand it boots linux!
no clue why the dfu issue though, now it seems to be working
If only SecureBoot was used to protect users' devices from attackers instead of protecting the device from users
we live in a world where we have to use exploits to fully own a device :/
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f_: noice work
Dfu definitely works, I use it in CI
“dfu 0 ram 0 60” will enable dfu in ram, then you can run “bootm ${kernel_addr_r}” with the loaded fitimage
narmstrong: yeah it turns out it doesn't parse its args correctly
try "dfu asdf"
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I'll patch it. But other than that DFU works great for loading a kernel :)
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I'm thinking of overwriting emmc entirely
and just install pmos there
w/o u-boot + fip though