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btw, just to make sure: gxl dwc can do UDC in mainline, right?
Somehow I can't really get it working
there's nothing in /sys/class/udc/, while there was something before there when I booted with the vendor u-boot from a USB stick (and it was why my dmesg kept getting spammed with "new device is full-speed" :p)
Because I don't have Wi-Fi working currently, and also because a USB hub is no longer an option I'd like to do usb internet, that's why I'm asking
ums/dfu and others work fine in mainline u-boot, BTW
f_: Meson8b and GXBB can do it - so I'd be surprised if it doesn't work on GXL
f_: actually I think I've tested it with Neil before around upstream commit a9fc15e0fd78ac57535c2e4fcddfafd9df32e37a ("usb: dwc3: meson-g12a: add support for GXL and GXM SoCs")
which may just be a different way of counting, but I'm not sure)
* f_
looks at aquaman downstream dt dump
ah wait, the numbers are likely to be different because those are gate clocks, not resets
yep they're `clocks` in the dump I have :p
if they're clocks: compare /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary on working and non-working boots
and how stupid of me to think that resets would be resets. of course they're clocks!
well sadly I was stupid enough to wipe the eMMC entirely including the vendor u-boot and android
I have backups, but when I checked the vendor u-boot wasn't quite happy with pmOS being on the eMMC (it completely crashed when I tried booting it up)
I wouldn't call that stupid, just makes things harder. do you have another GXL device at hand where you can compare "grep usb /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary" with the problematic box?
I do, thankfully
> I wouldn't call that stupid, just makes things harder.
It is stupid also because the stick has amlogic secureboot enabled
xdarklight: will do later. For now I'm going afk
and thanks for the help so far
good luck :-) I'll be heading to bed soon