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<chewitt> ludoa: that's Amlogic downstream u-boot from a BSP drop
<ludoa> the binaries are from there, but I compiled U-Boot v2025.01
<chewitt> ahh, gotcha
<chewitt> btw, has a driver for the VFD display
<chewitt> the dmesg log also suggests something missing for the audio card, possibly mixer settings
<ludoa> I've only used it as a headless server, with an external HDD connected to it. It was fine OOTB for that, only recently did I find this issue with Ethernet over USB.
<chewitt> sadly that VFD driver never made it upstream due to mailing list bikeshedding
<ludoa> I also have Tanix W2 (S4) and the adapter works there.
<chewitt> combined with those ^ the clock works instead of showing BOOT all the time
<ludoa> I used the following image on both boards, and the Ethernet adapter worked on Tanix W2 (S905W2), but not on Tanix TX3 Mini (S905W):
<chewitt> the wireless chip is unsupported
<chewitt> some folks reworked some downstream vendor sources to run on mainline kernels with Rockchip boards
<ludoa> good to know, I was thinking I might as well display something there
<chewitt> but to make it work they also ripped out the stuff that made it run on Amlogic boards :)
<chewitt> S4 = S905X4 and S905W2 are both newer generation chips; unsupported upstream currently so must be using a vendor BSP kernel
<ludoa> yes, the image I linked above has some patches to support them already though
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