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<hermanberd> Hey guys! Trying to build an image for lepotato using yocto project, anybody familiar with how to do it? Tried meta layer, but the built image did not boot at all...
<lvrp16> hermanberd, For booting, you can use the prebuilt bootloader from libretech-flash-tool.
<f_> hermanberd: Have UART logs?
<hermanberd> f_, nothing, LEDs not even blinking
<hermanberd> Tried the libretech-flash-tool, still the same, maybe I did smth wrong during compiling with yocto
<lvrp16> The uart will always print something.
<f_> hermanberd: If UART prints not a single character then something is seriously wrong
<f_> It should at least print "GXL" followed by a few other things
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