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<mkorpershoek> rockosov: with bootmeth_android merged in master, make sure you submit a change for that as well when patching the slot_suffix usage.
<mkorpershoek> If you have no time, I can look into this topic, since it's interesting to me and I plan to submit more ab_select related fixes
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<rockosov> mkorpershoek: Hello! In my TODO list I plan to submit the patch on the next week. If you okay with that, I will send the command and patchset
<rockosov> mkorpershoek: Is it bootmeth_android already merged to upstream?
<mkorpershoek> Yes it has been merged yesterday in master
<mkorpershoek> No worries, I'll let you send it
<rockosov> mkorpershoek: thank you so much! I've stuck on uboot CI, and it's the last item which I need to resolve :)
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<mkorpershoek> ok, looking forward to it :)
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