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<naoki> oops, I forgot to write product page URL...
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<narmstrong> tolszak: I’m not aware of such issue
<narmstrong> naoki: hi, no problem add it on v2
<tolszak> narmstrong: TY, I have updated everything nanbield, will do testing today. I hope newer kernel or u-boot will fix it:
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<naoki> :)
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<narmstrong> tolszak: weird, allmost nothing changed on the mmc side since v2023.01
<tolszak> Seem it is related somehow to uboot, and emmc rev5 32G,
<tolszak> But no clear evidence, only guesses from user reports, Suddely my customer exprienced this with new batch of emmcs
<narmstrong> the mmc controller is super crappy, but the uboot driver is also crappy and would need some fixups
<narmstrong> probably something changed in the mmc core and a git bisect should be done to identify this change, since I don't have this emmc I can't do this but I can guide someone to do it
<tolszak> narmstrong: If the update doesn't fix that I will probably bother more ;-)
<naoki> it seems there is no chance to send v2... I didn't know we(vendor) cannot touch anything for our products
<narmstrong> it's not about touching anything, it's about long term support, old kernels must still work with new DT, so the current compatible will stay, adding a new one will cause an ABI break, same for the the DT file naming
<narmstrong> changing the model name is ok
<narmstrong> for renaming the DT name I'm quite unsure about that
<naoki> I think it's better to add everything as new device, even if both are 1000000000% compatible
<narmstrong> you can probably argue the "zero2 pro" is a new variant of the zero2, and move the zero2 DT into a dtsi and add a new zero2-pro.dt including this dtsi, the DT using the new compatible and changing the sound card name
<naoki> I wonder where that sound card name from...
<narmstrong> RADXA-ZERO2 ?
<naoki> yes
<narmstrong> I don't see the problem
<naoki> hmm
<narmstrong> there's a 15 characters hard limit
<naoki> oh
<narmstrong> and we unified all the amlogic based sound card to looks the same, and stay under the 15 chars
<naoki> sure
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<tolszak> narmstrong: FYI - seems like old kernel config use used on nanbield:,
<tolszak> amlogic-image-headless-sd doesn't even start. It looks exactly like random issue with emms. Seems like detection of emms doesn't work.
<tolszak> Using latest nanbield meta-meson
<narmstrong> (for the kernel config)
<tolszak> Thanks, any hints how I can debug emmc? To be honest I prefer the nanbield as it doesn't work at all. Now the kirkstone doesn't work when it is powered off by gpio power button, if you disconnect power adapter wait some time and connect it again it boots again until next time
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<naoki> sorry for spamming...
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