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<rockosov> mkorpershoek: sorry, I was offline in the IRC, found your message in the history archive
<rockosov> mkorpershoek: Thank you for the point, I will run test_ab
<mkorpershoek> rockosov: no worries !
<mkorpershoek> make sure you also add new tests if you submit the ab_dump command
<mkorpershoek> I'm a bit mixed about ab_dump though, because it could easily be replaced by => mmc read followed by => md
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<rockosov> mkorpershoek: Yes, we can use the md dump command. However, the ab_dump command is specifically used in the BCB (Binary Coded Decimal) context, making it easier to interpret all the BCB fields.
<rockosov> There is example for ab_dump output:
<rockosov> > board# ab_dump
<rockosov> > Read 2080 bytes from volume misc to 000000000eef02a0
<rockosov> > Bootloader Control: [misc]
<rockosov> > Active Slot: _b
<rockosov> > Magic Number: 0x42414342
<rockosov> > Version: 1
<rockosov> > Number of Slots: 2
<rockosov> > Recovery Tries Remaining: 0
<rockosov> > CRC: 0xCACA31F4 (Valid)
<rockosov> >
<rockosov> > Slot[0] Metadata:
<rockosov> > - Priority: 14
<rockosov> > - Tries Remaining: 0
<rockosov> > - Successful Boot: 1
<rockosov> > - Verity Corrupted: 0
<rockosov> >
<rockosov> > Slot[1] Metadata:
<rockosov> > - Priority: 15
<rockosov> > - Tries Remaining: 6
<rockosov> > - Successful Boot: 0
<rockosov> > - Verity Corrupted: 0
<mkorpershoek> indeed, that seems useful :)
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