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<exkcmoeAdmin[m]> :(
<narmstrong> f_: where did you get the bl2 source code ???
<exkcmoeAdmin[m]> old commit
<exkcmoeAdmin[m]> (see the irc log)
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<f_> <narmstrong> f_: where did you get the bl2 source code ???
<f_> narmstrong: It used to be free/libre until a specific commit which made it proprietary and removed it from the tree.
<f_> But let me find the link where I got the (somewhat old) BL2 sources
<narmstrong> Hmm ok never knew that
<f_> Now you know =)
<f_> narmstrong: Also, that's only applicable for gxbb. Newer SoCs have fully proprietary BL2 with no sources available.
<narmstrong> Interesting !
<f_> Indeed!
<f_> And GXBB's BL2 is indeed based on TF-A v0.4!
<exkcmoeAdmin[m]> ow
<exkcmoeAdmin[m]> *wow
<f_> Which isn't surprising.
<exkcmoeAdmin[m]> ok
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<f_> Yahoo!
<f_> Code provenance issues!!
<f_> Some files completly lack a header!
<f_> So I don't know if they're licensed under the GPLv3 or the BSD-3-Clause.
<f_> I'm going to assume they're under the BSD-3-Clause license, since there's a file at the root of their TF-A.
<f_> Yay!!!
<f_> GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:F3;SD:0;READ:0;SOTICE: BL2: v2.8(debug):v2.8-776-g0223d1576-dirty
<f_> NOTICE: BL2: Built : 18:35:38, May 8 2023
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<f_> ERROR: BL2: Failed to load image ~> SKIPPED INTENTIONALLY -- f_
<f_> Good starting point!
<f_> (I disabled most of BL2's features. I just wanted it to successfully load it at the very least)
<f_> Now I need to implement.........most of the stuff I disabled =)
<f_> But first, since it compiles and runs, I'll push what I currently have to a ***WIP*** repository.
<f_> You can tell it is WIP because of.......the messy code (albeit less messy than Amlogic's code)
<f_> I mean
<f_> My code isn't spaghetti code, but still.
<f_> Very much WIP.
<f_> While we're at it I'll also push Amlogic's BL2 code to a repo too.
<f_> (if that's useful?)
<narmstrong> Yep push it
<f_> Sure
<f_> Just for archiving purposes =)
<f_> (will push soon)
<f_> bam
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<f_> Anyways. That's enough for today. See you tomorrow!
f_ has quit [Quit: disconnecting...see you tomorrow!]
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