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<Pinchiukas> xdarklight: the question I have is how do I modify the uboot parameters in the first place?
<xdarklight> Pinchiukas: which parameters?
<xdarklight> thinking about it again, mainline u-boot should just boot an EFI compatible kernel image or bootloader. not sure about any Ubuntu/Debian setup instructions for that though
<Pinchiukas> How would the uboot on that s905 device know where my kernel is?
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<Pinchiukas> xdarklight: would that not eliminate USB since the internal NAND (or whatever it is) would get picked up first? I also love that I see PXE there. But how exactly is this list read?
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<xdarklight> Pinchiukas: I'm not sure to be honest (I'm no u-boot expert). but since BOOT_TARGET_DEVICES is used on SoCs from all vendors (Rockchip, NXP, TI, ...) I suspect that this is some general u-boot thing
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