ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<Frigg> Looking through the radio stations in the radio addon, I find that a lot of those links to NRK (norwegian state broadcasting) are broken. How can I fix that?
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<Frigg> hm
<Frigg> I had libreelec running off an 8GB card and dd'ed that card over to a 64GB card. How can I have libreelec resize the new card
<Frigg> ?
<mack> Frigg: easiest is just resize the partition using standard tools on a PC
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<Frigg> mack: hm - would a mac do?
<Frigg> parted, perhaps
<Frigg> resizepart 2 -1
<Frigg> resize2fs blabla
<mack> probably. If you're paranoid about it, you could just install a fresh LE on the bigger card and boot to let LE resize the partition. Then restore from backup.
<Frigg> I have the old card plus a backup, so I'm not overly paranoid about it ;)
<Frigg> *and* I just made a fresh backup to restic
<Frigg> /dev/mmcblk0p2 6.5G 229.4M 6.2G 3% /storage
<Frigg> /dev/mmcblk0p2 55.3G 229.4M 55.0G 0% /storage
<Frigg> now - how do I resync the index again?
<Frigg> I just wonder why openelec just comes with busybox and not just a tiny debian install instead - it wouldn't make much of a difference storage-wise, but management-wise, it'll help a great deal
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> because everything is tailored to Kodi and in contrast to Debian, more or less all software is using latest stable versions
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<Frigg> jerney, you can always flatpack kodi and use it in a small debian distro - it'll make things simpler for those of us that want to actually manage stuff
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> well, it is what it is and if you need flexibility, choose another distro
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> or use docker addon
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> problem is that LE uses a ton of WIP patches, including for kernel, ffmpeg and kodi to make experience as good as possible
<LEBot> [slack] <jernej> so easiest way to make sure everything works as expected is to pack it in read only file system
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