ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<ndufresne> very strange
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Fenster` has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<ciavle> IRC.S⁠UP⁠E⁠RN⁠ETS.OR⁠G | PO⁠RT​ 6667/6697 (S​S⁠L) | #SUP⁠ERB⁠O⁠WL | IP​V6 R⁠EADY 
<ciavle> ciavle LEBot syphyr Colti speeedy minimal vpeter kantlivelong XYZ The_Coolest TomTom keypusher tsal appas sawtooth Gravis lxdr xe` MrTAP kaliko coltseavers Misotauros narmstrong woprr {HD} Bardon Teraii mack DisconSented FriskyKat svetlemodry TheSilentLink Wonka arch3r Nightah Asterisk GNUmoon ponyofdeath mave lvrp16 ocrete ndufresne GreenRiot wildangel ad1m r0bert hays ocrete2 ndufresne5 Ommand
ciavle has left #libreelec [SUPERNETS HOMO NIGGA SQUAD]
<coltseavers> weird
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<xe`> 100% convinced me to move sign me up
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