ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<orzel> Hello. My le accesses files through nfs. Is there any way through ssh/cli to know what's currently being played ? The nfs is clearly not mounted, and ps/top don't show anything useful.
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> You could grep or tail kodi.log for “OnPlay” events
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<orzel> chewitt: i got nothing on 'OnPlay', but i can find some information with "VideoPlayer::OpenFile"
<orzel> this log is full of errors, amazing.
<orzel> "unable to lookup host". Still, some times later it works. The network has almost always been broken with my le :-(
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<Frigg> hi all. it's been some time since I used libreelec, but I'm at a friend's place and I want to upgrade her installation, which is an old libreelect 9 install. AFAICS I should do a clean install because of python 2->3, which should be fine, but where can I find the config? I have ssh access.
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<Frigg> seems I found it
<Frigg> but another thing - I have kore configured on my phone, but after installing a new version, it won't connect. the ip is the same. any ideas?