ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
<mack> Frigg: re-enable kodi configs for Allow remote control and Enable control through HTTP?
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<Frigg> how can I backup libreelec to somewhere off-site (that is, another machine, basically). I thought I read something about restic with libreelec, but that might have been a dream...
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<colo> Frigg: since restic is implemented in Go, all you need is a compatible kernel, and off you go. so yeah, it's certainly a valid solution to the problem of LE backups.
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<Frigg> LE?
<Frigg> colo: I just downloaded the restic binary and setup my scripts to do a restic backup to my restic server - works well :)
<Frigg> all over ssh, so no software needed on the pi except the restic binary
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<Frigg> why is it ipv6 is disabled by default?
<colo> Frigg: LE = LibreElec :)
<colo> Frigg: I am not sure about IPv6, but I think the LE devs just don't care too much about it.
<colo> (you can manually enable it, I would assume... I'll have to look into that some time, since I've recently taken care of properly dual-stacking my home network)
<Frigg> colo: I just did sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6=0
<Frigg> colo: some of my home servers (vm's) are not on ipv4
<Frigg> less forwarding hassle to do and so on
<Frigg> and IMHO everything should be on IPv6 these days
<Frigg> but I can only guess that the LE team hasn't done too much about security, so they've just disabled ipv6 since everything else is behind NAT anyway
<Frigg> so - I'll just enable ipv6 before starting backup, I guess, and then disabling it after that
<colo> Frigg: yeah, I think that's the line of reasoning (they don't want anyone to get pwned who does not have proper inbound filtering to their prefixes set up)
<Frigg> which is understandable
<colo> yeah, but the solution still feels kinda heavy-handed ;)
<Frigg> anyway - an nmap shows that my friend's ipv6 network is closed from inbound access, so I guess I'll just leave ipv6 open for now
<Frigg> that is - how...
<colo> I've never seen SOHO IPv6 equipment that will not filter out new inbound connections
<Frigg> well - I'll just add it to the script
<colo> but it's certain to exist somewhere :)
<Frigg> my ISP doesn't, but then, I've had a static IPv4 address from them for the last 10+ years
<colo> it's not your ISP that should do it, but your router
<Frigg> I use my own router ;)
<Frigg> the PoS router from the ISP is gently put into bridge mode
<colo> best thing you can do with stuff like that
<Frigg> my friends in Reykjavík had an earthquake of 5.2 last night and now - poff - a new volcano
<colo> I'd love to visit Iceland some day <3
<Frigg> these days would be nice, I guess :D
<colo> it's one of the few places I could imagine emigrating to :D
<Frigg> seems like the last two volcanos at Fagradalsfjall - nice and easy - tourist friendly
<Frigg> colo: I know the feeling - I even studied the language a bit some years back
<Frigg> oh - no voice there
<Frigg> that channel is rather good, btw
<Frigg> seems like a small one so far
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<Frigg> colo: I hope you're not feeling down…
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<Frigg> colo: that's the eye of Sauron!!!
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<colo> oh wow, looks SURREAL still!
<colo> thanks for sharing :)
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Last time I did a straw poll nobody on staff had an ipv6 connection in use so it’s not “tested” and we aren’t personally clued up on where all the security gotchas and issue lie (but we know there will be some); so we default to off and rely on the very limited audience who really wants or needs it to also generally know what they’re doing
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> So far that’s proven workable
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> We get the occasional “but you’re doing it all wrong” user show up, but they generally fly-by and go back to polishing their tin-foil hat and leave us in peace
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Eventually someone will show up and take the time to really test and educate us, and then our position can change, maybe
<colo> I can see how having it enabled is a hard sell in a world where so many people do not have proper IPv6 at home, and everone's used to NAT and overlay networking. unless some of the devs begin to reap the benefits of IPv6 at home, I guess it will be hard to make the case for it :)
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