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<shibboleth> anyone know if the tvh htsp client is doing anything... "special" when streaming video/audio? for some reason, when switching pvr channels i experience intermitten audio issues that then persist and also affect ui sounds, other media. this never happens when switching/playing "regular" media (smb-shared)
<mack> I thought I'd try tvh to see why people were so enamored. Brand new LE install on a Pi4 with USB boot, HDHR ATSC tuners, and it did that and the backend crashed a few times. I put it down after a week and repurposed the Pi.
<shibboleth> well, tvh is great once you have it working
<shibboleth> but it's a steep incline, sure
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<mack> I had it configured and "working" as you described.
<shibboleth> docs are somewhat lackluster, silent community. took me a while of just trying every possible variation of... well, everything to figure it all out
<mack> the PVR / time-shifting part I might not have configured/tweaked correctly. Or it just might be that janky :)
<shibboleth> well, you mentioned atsc tuners, i'm assuming these are usb?
<mack> HDHR (HD HomeRun) are network-attached tuners
<shibboleth> right.
<shibboleth> yes, i've had tvh crash/stall more than once while experimenting. but these incidents were consistent with re to cause/effect
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<shibboleth> also, while tvh on rpi was handy as an experimental tested, i moved onto a proper x86 host for... "production" usage
<shibboleth> bonus feature: nvidia gpu
<shibboleth> and =! usb/network storage
<mack> My in-laws were wanting something easier for them to use than the Chinese PVR they bought from Wal-Mart. I was looking for an alternative to a full MythTV install at their place. I'm not sure TVH's ease of use was any easier than the cheap clunky PVR they have.
<shibboleth> it's great IMO
<shibboleth> i have my folks on kodi+tvh client
<shibboleth> zero issues, other than some esoteric issues with subtitles and teletext when transcoding
<shibboleth> i've been meaning to look at vdr and mythtv
<shibboleth> dunno if either have a less... "silent" community and feature-parity
<shibboleth> only drawback of tvh i've found: if issues = you're mostly on your own
<mack> mythtv dev has slowed a bit over the years but the software is mature. irc is pretty quiet, but the forum is still active.
<mack> the pvr.mythtv kodi plugin has its quirks, but it works pretty well.
<shibboleth> mtv also does transcoding (hevc for rpi2/3), supports a host of CA/CAMs, etc?
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> shibboleth I never saw something like that at pvr.hts
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> check that you do not transcode video or audio at tvheadend server
<mack> myth doesn't do on-the-fly transcoding, and not sure what you mean by CA/CAM
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<shibboleth> cvh: seen what?
<shibboleth> mack, provider drm/scrambling
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> audio issues
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<shibboleth> not transcoding and this is most likely either an rpi-specifc usb issue or alsa/snd-usb-audio
<shibboleth> same amp, same cable, no issues from kodi on x86
<shibboleth> deb bullseye, kernel 5.10
<shibboleth> i just... cant figure out what's so special about pvr.hts that causes the issue
<shibboleth> and why it then persists across ui sounds and other media
<shibboleth> like, i vehemently believe that pvr.hts does "something" out of the ordinary, i've noticed the pi is struggling while using the UI on top of pvr.hts streaming compared to when playing other media
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