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<headius> ok big milestone
<headius> I almost have all the rubygems-tools passing... the few that remain are related to the "bundler API" which is still hooked up to a defunct URL on rubygems.org
<headius> but the big news is the mavengem-protocol passes all tests now with the new API
<headius> and I explicitly modified it to set a user agent other than /Java/ to make sure it fails if it hits the bad API
<enebo[m]> nice
<headius> fml... whenever I have to dive into someone else's big Java project I'm immediately struck by the complexity people choose to introduce
<headius> this is also on JRuby
<headius> the remaining API for bundler stuff is basically depending on old gz "all specs" stuff or the dependencies API for retrieving multiple gems at once... I know how to improve it but I'm taking a lunch break first
<headius> I will also push some snapshots of these plugins and see if JRuby can build from the snapshot with the deprecated API disabled
<enebo[m]> looks big
<enebo[m]> having never looked at mavengems I guess it is a lot bigger than I thought it would be
<headius> enebo: the area that required the most work is part of rubygems-tools which is a general set of maven/gem tooling that mkristian made for sonatype
<headius> there was a lot of collab between sonatype/nexus, torquebox, and mkristian back then