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<enebo[m]> heh. yeah mixing whitespace is pretty difficult to live with on its own
<enebo[m]> I suspect there were some substantial style differences as well
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<headius> yeah it is much cleaner now and there will be many updates and changes after this anyway
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<headius> oops
<headius> trying to update these various projects to latest JRuby and ran into a funny bug
<headius> expected:<"[Usage: jruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]]"> but was:<"[Usage: jruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]]">
<headius> looks the same right? but in the longer output I can see that JRuby is emitting ESC codes for bolding around "Usage"
<headius> was added recently, like, but does not check for a TTY before adding the bolding escape sequence
<headius> aha, a bit older
<headius> ok that's work for today... torquebox/jruby-maven-plugins and mavengems have both been updated to JRuby and are green in CI. Going to need a release of the former at some point so that will be a big milestone in taking these projects over
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