Jason Lunn: I believe CRuby update it to work with numeric keys but we may not be able to do it the same way (our fixnum/float values are objects and not idempotent)
I would have thought swapping out the class that is used as the backing store would be straightforward. If instead of IdentityHashMap the implementation was moved to use a map that compared using hashCode() - it should "just work", right?
Or IRubyObject.id() would work, too
it would change the behavior of other objects that are ===
or it could
what is the use case here?
even if we used a hashtable with non-identity semantics it wouldn't work to keep objects alive; you'd have to maintain a reference to the RubyFixnum or RubyFloat object
or is it weak values... now I am trying to remember how weakmap is set up
Weak values
right, our WeakValuedIdentityMap
The use case is mapping memory addresses (used for native calls to low level protobuf c library calls) to their wrapper objects
we wouldn't want to touch that class but we could add a WeakValuedMap that works the same but with a non-identity map
We don't have an issue with keeping track of the wrapper objects... when they're no longer referenced by anything and GC'd, that's fine
I'm not sure changing the hash function here would help... if it still does an equality check for the key it would still fail
But lookups for valid addresses with actual mappings in the map are returning nil when there is an entry observable in the weakmap
hmmm hashMap uses compareTo so it might be ok
we probably used identity so it would not call back into Ruby for hash values etc
Basically any map that doesn't break the map contract the way IdentityHashMap does would be ok
so it's a concern
does MRI weakmap call #hash?
if it does then I guess it's not a concern and we can just align with it
Jason Lunn: your proposed fix may be fine if MRI also actually calls #hash and separate fixnum objects start working with it
They look the same (have the same to_s, object_id, Java hashCode() value), but not the same system identity hash
for the value 42?
we cache and reuse RubyFixnum objects in the range -256..255 so byte-range operations will not have to create new objects
No, for the value of the key (105553124374448), rather than the value
ok so I think this is because when we calculate id() for fixnum it has to follow the same rules as CRuby's tagged pointers... so the number will be the same every time
however we are still using an identity map against Object, and that id will end up turning into many different Long objects
id() for an object will be the same numeric value but when it goes into a map it may be a different wrapper
they end up getting the same value, calculated from the actual fixnum value, but the ID objects are still different wrapper instances
JRuby.ref here just makes sure we pass the object_id object directly rather than as a number (which will get reboxed for the identityHashCode call)
I found this issue when I was trying to see if JRuby 9.4 could use the single tier cache that is backed directly by WeakMap and it failed in really interesting ways
I'll see if I can write up a PR to add FixNum key support for weak map without breaking existing tests
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ahh I see
the only way this could work would be to have the fixnum objects normalized to known instances, like a second map from fixnum to fixnum and always use the value there as the weakmap key
Jason Lunn: I updated issue based on this discussion and included my trivial numeric weak map impl
enebo: I went against my usual rule and did a mass reformatting of the mavengem repo
it had tabs some places, two spaces some places, really a mess to try to maintain so it just needed a clean break
master there now has reformatting + Java 8 update and using mavengem for its own dependencies... I have one commit on my branch starting to add support for the V2 API and I'm starting to understand where the pieces go
it's a complicated project but basically you are building a pseudo filesystem for Maven that's backed by rubygems.org API data... so you request a pom for a given gem, it assembles the info for that gem out of the API and produces a PomFile object in the end