Hello everybody. I noticed that all the ruby benchmarks other than rails in the techempower benchmarks were either broken or very outdated. I decided to try and update some of them to see what kind of results I would get.
The first one I did was the roda benchmark and on my computer upgrading to ruby 3.2 and enabling yjit resulted in about 30% improvement in speed (from ruby 2.7).
I have now moved on the rack tests and would like to get the benchmarks running under puma-mri, falcon-mri and something in jruby.
Looking at the wiki I noticed that all the documents there are also quite aged and the servers mentioned haven't been touched for years.
Is there some updated documentation someplace for running ruby rack apps in jruby?
Looking around github a bit it seems like people are just using puma but I see no special config to make sure it's not forking or running many many threads.
Is puma the way to go? Would it be more performant to run something like jetty or tomcat or whatever (sorry I am not familiar with the java ecosystem).
is warbler still the way to go?
any help with constructing a dockerfile which would optimize for performance both in terms of requests per second and also fast database queries.
I am planning on using only postgres for the benchmarks so any help with using the jdbc-postgres gem would also be appreciated especially in highly concurrent loads (512 simultanious connections).