<kares[m]> indeed he did so much for Java and beyond ... I can only tell from a distant (wish I was there for the Square tour though)
<headius> enebo: this build is running nearly all jobs off a single cached bootstrap build: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/actions/runs/4632109017
<headius> stuff like rake spec:ffi job ran in about 30s
<enebo[m]> cool
<enebo[m]> so wait for one job to do what all of them did and all others run quicker
<headius> yeah
<headius> looks like the bootstrap build takes 1:43 so the rest of the jobs are delayed starting by that much
<headius> but once they go many of them run in seconds
<headius> we should probably split the biggest suites too... test:mri and spec:ruby:core end up being the last jobs running and the former still takes over 30min
<headius> ok got one failure that seems to be new so I'll investigate that, and I'll see if I can pull more slow tests out of test:mri:core
<headius> test_any_hash_fixable in MRI test_hash.rb takes a minute and runs twice
<headius> I'm not sure why it runs the same test subprocess 20 times
<headius> probably going to just exclude this... I don't think it tests anything important for us
<headius> some C issue with the keys or hashing or something
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