headius: So if we can review kares PRs and merge then I think we have 2 or so issues (one ripper and one arity mismatch)
I will fix the ripper one but I suppose getting this settled early this week gives us some time to release on Monday with it presumably getting hit by someone who is interested
Yeah I reviewed a couple and have a PR in progress to fix the NUL thing in CI
Everything looks pretty good so far though
yeah I see that but windows will not start without that workaround normally or is this just something more specific to the job?
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enebo: it is specific to certain versions of openjdk... GHA is behind on fixes I think
it is not real issue and not our bug
not a
the k77ch7 fix for dedup strings seems fine
I saw you merged it
7246 being tied to indy is weird
java calls are not hooked up to indy as far as I can see
I have not updated them for 9k ever
oh I was wrong... vis buildNativeHandle, which detects Java targets
I will get this indy thing sorted out... just bad fallback logic I think