Apologies for the deck chair shuffling.
Yeah I was wondering about that but no worries. I'll be at my desk shortly and we'll figure out a good work around
Jason Lunn: I see the setBuiltin workaround got you past that point
I will push a fix today for review that reduces isBuiltin to only methods defined during JRuby core boot
Yep - thanks for the think of that. I'm effectively unblocked.
headius: did you see my follow up emails re: grpc?
it will continue to work with this change, and we'll see about deprecating isBuiltin and replacing with something more descriptive in JRuby X
oh shoot I did not... I will look today
Still looking for good proxies for |JRuby| as a percentage of |Ruby|
Does it still matter whether or not definition of the respond_to? is a static method or not?
it does... I am still not clear how it was called as an instance method, since you'd have to have an instance of a RespondTo in hand, but if you want to define it this way it should be static
it could just be on the service as well, but perhaps in the real code there are other classes being set up there
... on the service as a static method also
it can only be an instance method if you are setting up a Ruby class that is specifically bound to a Java class that extends RubyObject or RubyBasicObject etc
enebo: I will get those wip run fixes pushed shortly, just looking into a couple TCPSocket things that fail only in the full run
RespondTo does extend RubyObject...
yes but you are not binding it as any Ruby class
so you were setting up instance methods from RespondTo as methods on Bar, which is not a RespondTo
Maybe my example is just different enough from how protobuf does it that I'm tripping on this.
Our RubyMessage class has always defined its method_missing using a non-static method
so I thought I'd be able to define the respond_to? the same way
probably because you have a RubyMessage class in JAva
can you show me?
But perhaps the Foo::Bar example is not close enough to the lib to replicate that
if you wanted to define "Bar" that way, you'd rename RespondTo to Bar and use its constructor as the allocator for the "Bar" Ruby class
then you could use instance methods
otherwise you are trying to use instance methods from the RespondTo class, and Bar is just being allocated as a RubyObject so it does not have those methods
public class RubyMessage extends RubyObject
I don't see where this class is being set up though
the others all have initialization code to set up the Ruby side
Probably part of my problem in constructing a simple example. I'm probably missing an easier, simpler example where the BasicLibraryService of my example just loads an annotated class without defining an allocator
but I couldn't figure out how to do that so I stole the allocator example I had on hand
the RubyMessage class is being set up there with an allocator to construct RubyMessage instances
so whenever you have a RubyMessage instance in Ruby it is a RubyMessage in Java and so the instance methods are appropriate
your example did not allocate RespondTo instances for Bar, so the instance methods could not be present on Bar
not sure why this one piece of initialization is not homed with the class it defines, but that's it
perhaps just to mimic the C code
Cool, I think I grok it better now.
you can bind methods even if you don't set up a special class and allocator, but since they will not live on RubyObject they need to be static
it's just binding function pointers into a method table, but when it eventually dispatches against the object they need to be there, or they need to be static and pass the object in