byteit101: I can see we parser @Something( .lots of complicated parsing) into an Annotation in the signature parser so we definitely make something we can then use to see whatever is using an annotation
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class AnnotatedClass; java_signature '@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSetter("phantom") void setPhantom(boolean)'; def setPhantom(p); puts "phantom set: #{p}"; end; end
but add a value= and it works
(adjust to a loaded annotation as necessary)
ok I would think that would generate the AST in the signature but it is possible we do not use it? It has been like a decade so I will have to look
I can file an issue if you'd like once you have a look
yeah I can spend a few minutes this morning for sure make an issue. we should not be throwing
byteit101: what is the actual error at 135?
lol this is a backawards backtrace
err I am never used to this
full trace coming up in a moment, about to submit issue
How hard will this be to repro on my env?
1. find an annotation that's loaded
2. replace name
3. profit
I always forget the included annotations and end up searching
Oh, the annotation attachment? no, that's only class?
I often use resource I think
look at, oh. there is an all-annotation class in the tests somewhere
correct, this is just the non-named syntax
byteit101: whew...this should be simpler to fix since I will not need to know more than how to massage the annotation AST in this file
Since I have not looked at this or really done anything more than consume annotations in a long time...are all bare values inside the parens just implicitly "value = "
LOL...this is really simple
byteit101: can you quickly try this?
Change line 7 of DefaultAnnotationParameter super(null, expr) to super("value", expr)
"If there is just one element named value, then the name can be omitted"
It is pretty clear our code calls getName() and default anno parm will return null which is why we are crashing (without actually looking)
If this is wrong then we need to do something wherever we call getName
but your sentence you quoted implies this is the solution
but when it is a plain value we make this java object and default anno extends anno in the tree
So "value" is right based on the definition you pasted above
If it still is not right it likely is no longer the signature parser but our JI internals but if you say the explicit value = works then this should too
=> :setPhantom
jruby- :006 >
Yup works fine now
a test may be ideal, but you can't use the ./spec/java_integration/fixtures/EveryTypeAnnotations.java
as much as I love that annotation
cool. I will commit to jruby-9.3 and I will see if I can easily use one of them and just make a default version
Wait, is it possible to create an annotation class from ruby code now?
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byteit101: I think so but it is mostly just annotating a class.
well annotation are implemented as interfaces, I don't think there is a way to generate interfaces, only reified classes, no?
err yeah @interface
byteit101: I did read through the post and it looks good so far
decompiled output might be nice using javap, just dump the class to a file and use the basic javap output (maybe -private) to show the generated structure
That's the direction you were hoping for?
Ah yes, I can do that
yeah I will reply and copy enebo so he can have a look too
cool, any thoughts on the maven_require gem I made for the samples? I talked here this past weekend about maybe including it in jar-dependencies, but that sounded tricker than a quick gem at least for onw
(I've wanted something like it for AGES...)
I'll finish it up this weekend
(the post I'll finish this weekend, that is)
right, I also like the idea of just getting it into jar-dependencies
quick gem for trying it out would be good but we can consider merging it in later
It seems very nice, but not quite core-jruby functionality, with maven deps and all
yes, that was my plan
ok cool
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enebo: gonna pivot to issues and default gems today
the frame thing seems to be working but we need to be able to do it even for methods that have gone to full or jit
I am trying to figure out the Dir.glob thing