You could check the branch on enebo's fork, I don't think he has landed anything yet
Will do
Not noticing anything pertaining to it on his fork, guess I can assume I can pick up from the branch in the main repo
Ah ok maybe he did the branch on the main repo
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puritylake: yeah it is still in-progress
<enebo[m]> "puritylake: yeah it is still in..." <- Awesome I'll get back to work on it so, I'll mention here if I put up a PR for testing
puritylake: great!
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when this all lands I'll merge 9.3 to master and we should be back to normal
if that passes on stadium I am happy. There is not much really to review.
GHA must be running PR CI against the merged result because I don't know how else this could pick up master changes from a branch based on 9.3
perhaps I should know that already
this may mean I can reenable spec:ruby:fast for 9.3 on M1 since it should be green
The listen gem example does have maybe an interesting wrinkle
both listen and gdx both essentially run event loops
7004 looking good in CI
once I merge this I can help with listen thing
I think I solved this problem
what is it
I added a gets at the bottom of the file and it works fine
so it was probably trying to finalize or something but it couldbn't because gdx was still running
It does not explain why it works for him for 9.2 but then again it crashes on me on 9.2
ok it works on 9.2 with the gets as well
So it runs off the script and thinks it maybe can shutdown but because we have some daemon threads JRuby stays up but listen tries to cleanup
That explains on 9.2 why I get a conc thread pool error...it decided to try and deliver a change event but listen was already partially torn down
aha that makes sense
9.3 has different teardown logic that allows more shutdown hooks to run
so it might end up swallowing that error in the executor
yeah 9.3 cleanly turns it off
but there is only one unanswered thing
how did you add logging?
Is it possible you created a loop in the main thread?
the listen gem has an env var, I mention it in one comment
I just set that env
ok perhaps the result of that keeps it alive somehow
I am satisfied this is not our bug but I may see how Lwjgl is supposed to work. I used this a long time ago with jmonkeyengine
yeah I could see it changing the sequence of shutdown or doing something to keep it up
I agree this is the simplest and most plausible explanation
which would mean we have no further work to do other than following up with the reporter
yeah I will write something up and spend a few seeing how you are supposed to do this in Java
It would seem this is missing some loop or something
I guess Java would just exit the thread and others would be running
So maybe that is just a difference here since us leaving this first script makes us think things are done
unless we can mark the thread in such a way we think it is still up
lol sparse docs
yeah I have never been happy with this behavior of JRuby but I'm not sure what else we can do
all we have to delineate the begin and end of the program is the main script
yay, 7004 bash fix on top of GHA M1 fixes is green, merging
oh nice k77ch7 has some 3.0 PRs
enebo: only thing remaining marked for 9.3.3 is the super NPE thing
I will try to repro
ok cool yeah
Does ruby have a Thread.wait?
I think this would be the right workaround here
you could sleep
not sure what thread you would wait for otherwise
ah yeah sleep with no args is the proper workaround
Cannot invoke "org.jruby.javasupport.proxy.JavaProxyClass.getMethod(String, java.lang.Class[])" because "jpc" is null
gotta love helpful NPEs
this one may not be too hard to fix
it is interpreting a super from within a reopened Java class as though it's a Ruby subclass, but it isn't
so it tries to find the Ruby java proxy class and none is there and it NPEs
so this is a case we did not cover I guess... adding a method with super to a reopened Java class (without extending from Ruby)
enebo: I have a fix that passes spec:ji but it would be good for byteit101 to have a look
great yeah hopefully he is arond
not sure if that can happen before we want to release
Could we just use jl.Reflect?
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for what
the logic here is checking for a reified Ruby subclass so it can use the super stubs for dispatching properly to the superclass
but it is also running for a Ruby method added to a normal Java subclass, which should just use normal Java dispatch to call super
I meant if we knew the Java method on a normal subclass it wanted to invoke couldn't we just make a Reflect call
I am not saying for a final fix but just as a quick fix
I have a fix
I just detect that there's no reified JavaProxyClass and go back to the other logic
I was confused about your statement about making it happen before we release
I meant the byteit101 review
ah well since we crash right now I am not sure how much the review matters for release
I am not saying he shouldn't review it but that atm this is completely broken for this scenario
yeah it passes JI specs but I am wondering if it should actually fall into this logic at all
but this should fix it assuming it doesn't break something else
headius: you just widened what goes to failure case and when you do that it passes
it is a bit of a form-fit fix
it's null? ok don't do that branch then
I mean if he comes back and says some subset of that will not work then we still have a problem but you definitely got rid of one case of problem
yeah in any case it is working with the patch and clearly busted without it
I am largely just typing to tease out a discussion on risk and to me there isn't any other than getting a better review may uncover a different issue
So if he is not around we roll with it
If he is then perhaps we have that discussion if we have anything to discuss
I think we are good for tomorrow for a release then
yeah I think there is a better way to detect this before we try to get a proxy class, but not sure what that is
once these are merged
like one of the marker interfaces
that's mostly what I want to talk through with byteit101
it would still fall back to the logic it falls back to with my patch but wouldn'
wouldn't blindly try to get the JPC
yeah so it would just be a cheaper check
cheaper and more explicit than "oops it's null"
can we perhaps even emit the helper to directly call the else in this case
at the time code is emitted maybe we will no there is no jpc for it at all
while this runs I'm going to try to turn M1 spec:ruby:fast back on for 9.3 on a branch
it would be great if we could release with M1 support and say specs are green
headius: I think we can afford to delay a little if we need to since M1 is the main driver for this release
modulo those two unix socket specs I did not investigate yet (which may be a Darwin issue rather than M1)
I am very happy we have our marked issues pared down like this. It is satisfying to just get down to zero (I am ignoring the 2.6 issue checklist)
this is code I wrote but basically it is trying to use subclass super logic for a normal Java class that is reopened with a super call
the bail-out in my patch is if JPC is null just use normal Java dispatch logic
just wondering what is the best way to detect that JPC is not relevant before we try to get it
(and any other comments you have)
Ok, need to page that stuff back in . I'll look at it in little bit
but that reminds me: should I file a bug on the aliasing a java interface method not working with they keyword that I mentioned in december?
module Address; def +(r);add(r);end;end # works
module Address; alias :+ :add;end # error
not sure if you saw my response but it is expected that would not work
our interface modules don'
don't actually define any of the methods from the interface because they interfere with dispatch
so alias should fail to find it
we attempted to make interface modules have stub methods that just super but it causes a lot of problems... interface methods really just do not exist as far as dispatch code
I saw that, but I guess my expectation was that those two forms are identical on interfaces, and so should be interchangable. So from a users perspective I was surprised they were not
yeah alias is different in that it needs to find the existing method to wrap it with a new name
since we don't define those methods for interfaces, it errors
where the actual def method just redispatches to the proper name, and that method will exist when the module lives within a concrete Java class hierarchy
would it be useful to have a java_alias or interface_alias, or something like that?
it would be a bit like trying to alias `each` to `my_each` in Enumerable... `each` exists in every hierarchy where Enumerable is included, but it does not exist in Enumerable itself
yes I was going to suggest that as a possiblity
that would be the path forward should we want to make this easier
unknown whether adding aliases at the interface module would cause other problems, but at the very least I know this simple alias form can't be made to work
got it, ok
ok spec run on M1 looking a lot better in CI now, but there are still some socket hangs
this one is just UDP so it doesn't use any native stuff
I went ahead and merged 7007... if there's a better tweak we can still get it in
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no open issues left for 9.3.3
> just wondering what is the best way to detect that JPC is not relevant *before* we try to get it
Looking at the patch, that may be fine as is, but I'm not a dispatch expert. All the work I did was for dispatching java to ruby, not the other way.
enebo: just checking, does the parser support "%<key>s"?
puritylake: I thought so
byteit101: you see in the code here it tries to get the JPC from any JavaProxy that enters this logic, but I think there's a better marked for when JPC will actually be present
Maybe ReifiedJavaProxy?
enebo: ok, just checking cause that seems to be what is missing for %s
puritylake: lol. I just pushed four commits from last time I worked on it
Should I do a pull so?
yeah it will not contain what you were asking about but there are changes to be picked up
Cool thanks, that'll save me a headache when I go to do a PR lol
puritylake: it looks like the parser is seeing %<name>s and putting name into the name field
Duly noted, thanks
puritylake: and getArg should retrieve the value using that name
Just started using emacs so my progress will be slow for now til I get the hang of it lol
headius: RubyClass#getReifiedJavaClass will return or throw if it's reified java
I don't think there is an exposed non-throwing one
Oh oops! that actually is never set
that should probably be set
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headius: Yes, JavaProxy#getObject() instanceof ReifiedJavaProxy would also do
Excellent, I will have a go at improving this code then
What would be the place to look for making @ivar be a field access for reified classes?
Do you mean manually adding a Java field and using that or leaning on reification stuff to convert it into a field
reification, so that java (JavaFX really) can set a field and JRubyFX can read it as an @ivar
There's nothing explicit right now for defining fields on a Ruby Java class
IE make the backing store for an @ivar be a java field
Yes, obviously I'd need to add that
The logic for normal Ruby classes just inspects all accessed instance variables and generates fields for them
Or really it just picks the right shape class to use, the field names are generic
Does JavaFX need to be able to access a field directly?
the FXMLLoader sets fields with an @FXML annotation
so wait, hold on, let me dump a class for you
public class FormattedTableCellFactory extends RubyObject implements Reified, Callback {
@FXML public TextAlignment alignment;
@FXML public Format format;
^ right now jrubyfx generates that, and JavaFX fills the values in, but I must use self.format to access the field
enebo: All marked issues are resolved, is there anything else you want me to look at? Otherwise I will pivot back to these M1 socket hangs and see if I can find anything out
I was hoping to implement something so that @format could read that field
headius: I think we are good to go
to make it more rubylike
if you do happen to figure those out I think we should consider it
Should we aim for Wednesday perhaps?
I will spend a little time on these today
headius: sure we can or tomorrow even but that depends on whatever progress you make
headius: but perhaps it takes some pressure off for us to just target wednesday
byteit101: The logic that handles using fields for instance variables mostly centers around VariableTableManager
For ruby classes with reified fields it uses a special form of variable accessor that knows how to go after the field rather than the instance variable table
So the general pattern would be a new sort of field accessor that can access a specific name and then we wire that into the table manager for reified Java classes
And then the rest of the magic is in the jit so it knows how to go straight to the field rather than through the accessor
The variable table stuff could be made more generic because right now it really just supports these two types of accessors
And we want to make it more generic going forward so that we can use a different layout for objects as they evolve, like if you add another instance variable later we will choose a different shape from then on
Right now it only chooses the shape when you first instantiate the object so it is a guess as to which instance variables will be in use
I don't have the code in front of me at this exact moment but I believe the accessor is FieldVariableAccessor
enebo: whenever we get around to this it would align our object shaping with certain other "out of our league" implementations that can evolve the shape over time
// This alternate ivar logic is disabled because it can cause self-referencing
Where can I go to look up the old issue descriptions?
// chains to keep the original object alive. See JRUBY-4832.
from before the move to Github
You can't
In retrospect I wish we would have pulled a dump of all of those issues but that train has sailed
And it would have been in some horrible format or raw database anyway
hmm... ivars are assumed to be an IRO, what can I use to wrap that
shouldn't be
ahh well the class-level methods for getting ivars do assume IRubyObject
internal vars API works with Object though
in order to allow accessing fields as normal ivars I think we would have to EITHER force the stored values to be the wrapped proxy object OR override logic for accessing ivars from these classes to wrap the value lazily
having non-IRubyObject in Ruby ivars is not really supported