enebo: I mean, for example, given: `#p [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,67,645,34][(4..).step(-5)]`, how at the point in the code I paste on GIST, the aseq.beg and aseq.end as calculated with 8 and 9, respectively.
edipo.federle: are you putting a println into that source code?
enebo: I'm using GDB... I am investigate a big deeper now, but still confussing :d
yeah I mean I assume begin will be 4 in the above and end will be nil
MRI does give the answer based on 4 and -5 so I am surprised to see it different at that point
This is the line you get to though right...at this point it is still just a VALUE
but I am grasping a little bit here...it seems fairly clear this would not work if it was not begin of 4 and step of -5
I usually just read the code and I when I am curious I usually build with some printlns (which is really rare because I usually understand the intent enough)
in this case I feel on the Java side you just take the values you would expect 4, nil, -5
but I can see why you are trying to understand why you are not seeing what you expect
enebo[m]: Actually, just curiosity on how it works on MRI side..
On JRuby side this endless is already making the right thing but we do not handle it in Array#[] yet as an argument
Yeah fixnum representation is explained here and it does answer the question
I think we talked about gdb like 1/2 a year ago right? There was some file people used so they could run things like inspect() on values?
if not I think there is something people use so they can properly print out a VALUE
Yes, this is true
cool. Now I am again curious to use gdb :)
subbu has joined #jruby
The "Can't find any online and idle self-hosted or hosted runner in the current repository, account/organization that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-latest'
Waiting for a self-hosted or a hosted runner to pickup this job..." is normal now on CI tasks?
edipo.federle: I have not seen that yet but hmm