there seems to be some intermittent failures we'll deal with as we see them
enebo: I'm going to merge this to master so we can get updated results there
<headius> "that 2000 might only apply to..." <- The limit only applies to private repos. Public repos within the org get unlimited minutes.
Something that I didn't know till now though that stood out to me: "Jobs that run on Windows and macOS runners that GitHub hosts consume minutes at 2 and 10 times the rate that jobs on Linux runners consume."
Matt Welke: yeah I saw something about that... more expensive to license I guess
enebo: failure in sequel job on master seems to be due to improper handling of kwargs
only two failures but there may be more if these are fixed... both the same error in the same place
similar failures in concurrent-ruby
hmmm and the JI specs too... the rake/ant integration is breaking while passing kwargs
I guess we should prioritize that
drb needs a patch to avoid _id2ref, guess I should finally do that
weakmap supporting immediates is going to be problematic
the semantics are identity keys but we cannot guarantee identity for e.g. fixnum-ranged Integers
which is exactly the case needed to switch this logic to using WeakMap
omg enebo you implemented Module#const_source_location already
I figured that would be gross and we might punt
master CI has improved a bit with some small fixes
lots of specs and MRI tests left failing though
the mri:stdlib hangs seem to be the same place that DRb patch hangs, so something is insufficient about my weak map version
oh boy drb is some ancient Ruby code
headius: hurrah, saw all the specs on 9.3 passing and only the snapshot failing
That definitely needs the sonatype username and password setting as secrets in Github
but now you've merged down to master, provided the SHA's are still legit you can test that manually now
heh I don't remember doing a bunch of things I did
these master runs on test:mri and spec:ruby:fast are pretty much what I was seeing locally
fever dream
you got at least half of the checkboxes, however it happened
about 100 on each will likely fall out just from fixing kwargs argument passing (in methods and blocks)
It is probably not totally apparent but like that dup change is an example of how unobvious it can be
it is a hard break on kwargs handling and we are still doing the squishy version
ceil and floor on Time I think is another which fails a lot
not there yet
probably easy
I don't feel anything involving time or date is easy
though this is likely a straightish port
yeah, I don't enjoy working on temporal data types
it must ceil or floor to something, maybe configurable, but it's just rounding
so yeah kwargs
I have ruby2_keywords implemented but not properly used
so we will just flip some kwargs logic depending on which mode
but I took a break from reading semantics on kwargs passing
yeah ruby2_keywords is to fall back to what I think is passing kwargs purely as just another argument
which is how we do things now
right, with some allowances for strings and munging together positional and kwargs and all that
I need to re-read this all over again even though I read it about a week and a half ago
I made mistake of reading the entire multiple year discussion
probably for the best I never tried to do an optimized version of kwargs because with the old logic it was pretty gross
should be easier now
it's part of signature for real
yeah I mean it will be gross no matter what
Ruby I think to be clean at this point requires a total break from existing code and that will never happen
but I guess kwargs are probably better than they were
and I think we could use an enhancement for JRubyMethod
yes, splitting up kwargs targets would be simpler now
Not even a boil the ocean enhancement
Just provide a hash arg
later improvements can specify required or whatnot
oh a dedicated arg
Think about all that shit in RubyIO
We have some other kwarg complicated methods bu IO sticks out
yeah sure, anything you can specify in a Ruby signature could be represented in a JRubyMethod signature, it's just a matter of complexity in the generator
but like now it could just fall back on hash versions
most core methods only take a couple simple kwargs
and in 3.0 we have some code path which needs to know if we are passing kwargs or not and whether we need to figure out if there is a kwargs but those two paths should merge back into whatever the populator will receive
one or two or three kwarg could be generated easily enough, mapping kwarg names to positional on Java stack, or whatevs
So I think it may be as simple as RubyHash kwargs as a first swipe
but this is why I am not trying to boil the ocean
just separating them 3.0 way vs 2.6 way would knock most of this out, we just have opportunities to improve later
the populator could be a month-long project but I think it would be cool if we just could get rid of all this is that last arg we got a RubyHash
And nothing prevents adding the specific keys later (optional = ["limit", "encoding"], required = ["foo"], etc...
@KeyArg("name") IRubyObject name
I don't know if you saw but Java 18 plans on all reflection to be indy based
ah yeah that is a nice syntax
it may need more params or just more anno names
it just gets dense beyond a couple kwargs
thankfully I think most core functions only have a couple
and more complicated fallback path to some hash based version
but yeah it's doable
right, just separating out exception: would cut a ton of alloc in basic IO now
but at this point since we know the degenerate case is a hash that seems like a good bang for the buck addition
if they don't use it we don't allocate, but anyone passing any options at all to IO are paying a big alloc
well not as degenerate as pre-3 handling
yeah it seems to only happen on this job but it is something not lining up I am guessing startup mixed with full
at this point I run the tests verbose and note which one goes kaput
usually it is some messed up signal that nukes the test process, or something like that
This is not an issue with strftime so I will merge that
this was the only failure
there may be some new timing issues on this env
It is a big change to the impl of strftime for 9.3 but since we have hardly started I figure the risk is worth the reward
tis the season
there are also a lot of tests so if I broke something it will just expose a corner missing
I thought this morning about boiling the logger ocean and just detecting the standard format string and having a method which literally does it with no conditionals at all :)
Then I thought that is crazy
well there have to be gobs of single format strings out there
oh yeah there is that too
I did not look at strftime but I was looking a sprintf/format for the rewrite of that
we do almost 100 per request
yeah logging is great
so not super hot but it is destined to be IO of some kind
9.4 also needs that tasty logger native impl
I suppose that is the argument though, this is the thing Rubyists use so it should just be good
MRI went from 200kish to 10Mish
I could whip out a logger
all loggers are the same
stdlib/logger is a surprising amount of code in Ruby
let me bring up this idea
We ship gems to remain compatible with MRI
where is this native logger?
ruby/logger seems to be pure ruby still
I don't know if logger is one or not (and I suppose if it is this idea is just academic atm) but if we made our own logger gem we could ship and then this could go back to 9.3 as well as 9.4
Ruby 3 perf is off the charts
just blindly cloning it I only see bin and lib
They for 2 orders of magnitude
but 3 might have shipped with an unreleased logger
never notices fr and gt are just off by one on the keyboard
2 orders of magnitude on what
if I run Ruby 3 on the bench I attached (bench_strftime) it is waaaaay faster
beats me, master has no logger ext either
3.0.1 source looks to have same add method we do on 9.3
Get this...the strftime I am running is what logger calls at some point
so it should not be faster than the strftime call
OR it is not calling that at all for some reason
the time?
I guess maybe once a minute :)
well not that
but the time is only 1M/s
err for MRI it is only half that
so for them to get 10M/s they cannot be doing that strftime per call
but if they don't then they are not getting time as much
I wonder if they optimize away calling it if it is not really logging
logger = Logger.new(File::NULL)
if they improved argument handling to avoid all alloc along this path that could explain it
if logdev && logdev != File::NULL
it's a mess of varargs and kwargs and optional args and all of it
oh wat
too easy, can't be that
I mean it has to be slower than the strftime
or it is not outputting a time
ok yeah
so yeah @logdev is nil on 3.0
so if it is actually using the strftime to do add it can't be faster than strftime
mystery ext please stand up
I am betting money it knows this and therefore is doing nothing at all
if @logdev.nil? or severity < level
return true
Ok mystery solved
3.0 realizes people put log calls into their code but will disable the logger
by passing in a null logger
so you have to run this with some log level
so they opt for this
well you do and you also need a real log source
if you pass in null log source by bother to call strftime
I remembered why I don't like working with loggin libraries
I guess this makes sense. Some people use logger but only turn it on when they have issues
severity is supposed to be the right mechanism for not logging but I guess enough people swap out the log source itself to make this an opt
This morning was first time running strftime on 3.0 but I should have realized the problem with the native ext theory
So good news...one less thing to do for 3.0
we could do it anyway
oh for sure
hottest piece of code in every app
we are like 260k i/s or something like that while strftime is 950k i/s
So we are spending a lot of work in logger itself
Time.now is being called over and over too
I looked at that and we have some tiny overhead in getting TZ
someone did opt that a bit by caching TZ RubyString but we store ENV as a caseinsenitive ruby hash
This decision maybe is worth thinking about more
I audited uses of it and we seem to locally look up TZ (we want a String) or process invoke we want a HashMap of Strings
this is quagmire code
in random ruby code someone may be constantly looking up an env in a hot loop but I question whether that is what we should opt for
I have dipped my toe a few times but it really needs a rework
This is another place where ENV#[] could be a special site
every time I touch anything in there something else breaks so I am gunshy
It wouldn't matter either way but of course env gets aliased to lvars and stuff by frameworks so they can test
we can do special call sites for anything
I did think we could leave it the way we have it and just acknowledge TZ can be a special field we write to whenever it changes
yeah I just mean env = ENV so people can pass around env makes doing a site less useful
just a matter of identifying a type or method quickly and making it a fast path or having a reasonable fallback, which could just be another specialized site
it all comes out in the wash
well, yeah
libraries tend to do this so they can test without needing to actively change ENV
so I callsite cache is only sometimes useful
env has its own methods so it could be specialized, but that gets specific per type
worth it for some I'm sure
it isn't really just a Hash
TZ though could eliminate a hash lookup by making it a writable field whenever ENV changes
In the end this was my main takeaway since it is an obviously heavily used field
hmm if indy binding logic could easily tree off different types and base methods, we could specialize a bunch of calls based on what they really do
and it does not force a big rethink although I think the second huge use of ENV is process execution
maybe nashorn does this
yeah there have been a few passes on this TZ code to cache things
ENV is mostly a read structure and when it is written it is either a) at beginning of program b) used in testing
yeah but TZ right now assumes grabbing it out of the RubyHash with a cached TZ Ruby String
The next opt is to just make TZ a String/ByteList on Ruby (somewhere) with no lookup at all
on ENV write we duplcaite
yeah and if it doesn't change that is it
alloc is the root of all evil
for real programs it won't
for tests it will but we don't care
for multiple threads if they are live mutating ENV[TZ] and expect it to work they have bigger issues
fwiw I doubt we are talking about a major gain here either
It is just some work that can be eliminated
make an IR instruction for TZ
funny though...Logger uses 6N but we get 9N worth of values so in theory we could call Time.now less in a super heavy logging situation
Current impl of strftime will write out 9 digits then adjust the length
This can be improved but my first simple attempt did not really change anything
once we site cache the parsed format string I will change this all anyways
are you profiling allocs with something?
it is annoying they keep taking away the built-in profilers
I did profile with allocs but it was also all really obvious
I saw the TZ stuff from allocs since we are making .bytes() on the result over and over
oh yeah
but I eliminated allocating token list, the tokens themselves, Strings which became bytelists, then the bytelists themselves
We still create duplicated bytelists for padding when we cannot know the length before hand
Even in that case I got rid of the most common one by making a longLength method
9.4 numbers are faster for me with latest merges
so strftime is same speed and the null log opt looks to be much better with indy on
same speed == same speed after opt
It is a little noisy since I have other stuff running so it floats around a little bit 940-960ish
running with indy to see but it should be 1Mish
the rich get richer
did you put indy results somewhere>
running now
I will update
oh this is on 9.3
no master
So I was getting closer to 1M earlier so I am not sure if that is a little interference with having other stuff up
The logger methods themselves no longer do anything so I guess that is only measuring bench/ips overhead
well they check to null logger and severity
It is funny how many things in MRI have slowed down since 3.0 came out
maybe 3.1
I should be seeing how yjit is doing ehre
3.1 should show some gains in at least a few places
when it works out it will be noticeable
meh, JIT is irrelevant if they are allocating too much, so maybe they just figure that out
but I think the gains on something like rails was still pretty modest
yeah for something like strftime they are done
it is what it is since they are calling into C with a series of pointers and a buffer
and more generally it seems like numbers and things like that are already not subject to memory issues but math is just not a major perf point for most Ruby apps
specializing array access I think they do get gains
but I am not as interested in them until they start working on inlining
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Bassicaly the `rb_arithmetic_sequence_extract` looks returns the same values (for `aseq.begin` and `aseq.end`.
Could somone give some help here?