puritylake: was this error there before your changes: "TestSprintf#test_named_untyped [/home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/test/mri/ruby/test_sprintf.rb:459]:"
Seems like it would be but I thought I had all of these resolved
For me there were no errors
yeah I see errors in both MRI and spec/ruby but I will look back at previous run.
ok this was me but I am pretty confused because I thought they were green locally
I even put a statement about last failing test
but the errors do not look like they would be your stuff since none of them are %c that I see
I think perhaps it is that I was running those individual commands like in my gist and not the full test suite runs maybe
I will try and straighten this out
I run the tests the way they are in the gist and they all pass
At least on the commit I'm on
Just double checked the there
./bin/jruby -S rake spec:ruby:fast and ./bin/jruby -S rake test:mri are the full runs
They take longer but test many more things
but for hacking on just a single thing like sprintf it is faster to use the other command lines
sprintf is used incidentally in things like String#succ and Marshall#dump so it is possible our changes might break other parts
but we have CI for catching this
I'll give the full tests a quick run
I think you will see the same failures we see on CI
You may even see a couple of other issues pop up (like I have seen some errors involving IPV6 which seems to just be environmental issue with my laptop)
I'll leave it then, my laptop isn't the fastest
I use it as I have it running Linux
Was like a snail with Windows
yeah I will make this all green but your current PR is fine. You can work on next one which I think p/s
looks like only difference between the two is with 'p' we call inspect on the object so it can be they both can be shared
1 if stmt is fine
Very good, I'll get to it in a little bit
I will merge the PR you submitted after I get things green
puritylake: ok I realized what happened. we run CI without the new sprintf enabled and I had removed tags/tests because the new code runs them now.
So I reversed what the env variable SPRINTF means in the commit I just pushed
SPRINTF=1 will run old sprintf on this branch
This makes more sense since we want to see failures in CI when running with the new code
Awesome, I'll pull that commit now
It is possible there are still failing tests but I definitely untagged some specs which were passing with the new code so most of these should be from that
Morning or more like good afternoon here
How are you today headius?
First time I've had to merge from upstream, same command for adding origin so nothing too taxing
puritylake: you can git pull --rebase too
then it will not cause a merge commit it will just replay your commits on the new head
Why thank you good sir
Sometimes you want to do a merge especially when you hit conflicts but rebase ends up not showing any merging to us so for like my last commit that probably is better to rebase
don't worry about it though if you did a merge. It is not a big deal
I had added a merge but it seams rebase got rid of that commit
Yup `git --oneline` just shows your commit messages
Rebase should collapse merges since it reapplies the commits at head
Oh enebo just said that
enebo: `f.hasWidth` isn't being set correctly, using a workaround that tests if `f.width > 0`
f being a FormatToken
Other than that, the only test failing is the named parameters
Is that part of the parser working?
Ok I have confirmed it works, just need to checkout what is causing the fail