<fangerer> Hi everyone! As we recently discussed in a call: we will move this chat to Discord. Please join: https://discord.gg/xSzxUbPkTQ
<LarstiQ> :(
<cfbolz> fangerer: should I tweet that link too?
<fangerer> LarstiQ: is Discord a problem for you? One reason for moving is that we already use Discord for the communication with CPython core devs.
<fangerer> I don't think that we will close this channel but we might be less responsive and at least I know from steve_s that he has troubles to use this channel at all.
<LarstiQ> fangerer: well, me in this case I'm mostly just a lurker who wants to follow along. But in general I don't think community projects should be depending on a private company with questionable privacy history (search "why not discord") that can just pull the plug on a server/logs
<LarstiQ> I realize #hpy is a bit niche in particular and facilitating the actual collaborators might be more important at this point
<LarstiQ> if it were #pypy I would be much more concerned
<Hodgestar> I intend to stick around on both.
<Hodgestar> fangerer: I don't remember being on a call where we decided to deprecate IRC and I can't see anything in the minutes. It's very possible I forgot something though. In any case, I am happy with there being a Discord channel too.
<fangerer> I think you did already leave the meeting a bit earlier; we quickly talked about that in the very end
<fangerer> Antonio said: the main reason for using IRC was to have Armin on it but since Armin is no longer working on HPy ...
<LarstiQ> so then it's trading off preferences of current members and how it might filter out future ones?
<cfbolz> LarstiQ: well, but also how it filters *in* future ones. IRC really does not seem to work for a bunch of people, for various reasons
<LarstiQ> cfbolz: sure, how either option filters out from all, or switching filters in from current
<fangerer> cfbolz: sorry, didn' answer your question. Yes, please also send out on Twitter.
<Hodgestar> I am happy to keep both and see what happens.
<Hodgestar> fangerer: No worries.
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