<antocuni> good morning! Let's organize a call for deciding if/what to present at the language summit? What about Thursday?
<Hodgestar> +1
<Hodgestar> I can do Thursday between 11am-12:30pm and 2:30pm onwards (CET).
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<fangerer> Thursday works for me as well; I can do 2:30pm onwards (also CET)
<fangerer> Tim will be on vacation; so he is not joining
<fangerer> I'll ask Stepan as well
<antocuni> 2:30pm on Thurday works also for me
<antocuni> is Tim already on vacation? If now, it would be nice to know what are his thoughts, even if he won't be there
<antocuni> *if not
<fangerer> yes, he will be on vacation; I'll have a meeting with Tim before then to gather his thoughts
<fangerer> Okay, Stepan also has time at 2:30 but needs to leave at 3:30; should be enough
<fangerer> we can use the dev call Zoom room
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<Hodgestar> Sounds good.
<antocuni> cool!
<antocuni> thank you
<antocuni> mattip: ^^^ in case you didn't read the messages
<mattip> Thurs sounds good
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