<Hodgestar> We've been encouraged (on the CPython Discord) to submit an HPy topic at the PyCon language summit. I think Antonio and I will be at PyCon US, but we should decide what we would like to communicate.
<fangerer> Cool. Okay, I'll do some brainstorming.
<mattip> it might be nice to get some kind of endorsement
<mattip> that would encourage people to contribute to HPy and not create yet another competing C-API alternative
<mattip> to work with HPy as much as possible, perhaps wrapping it with another layer but not creating something else new
<phlebas> Hodgestar: fangerer and I talked bit, and maybe the simple answer is we want to just communicate the level of maturity of the project we think we are reaching? we have a all-tests-passing kiwisolver, and by the time of the summit we should have a reasonable milestone release with numpy-hpy port up to date and some numbers for tests and benchmarks for numpy
<mattip> +1 for running the numpy benchmark suite on the HPy fork before April
<antocuni> yes, I confirm that I'll be at PyCon. I plan to ask to participate to the language summit, and I'd be happy to present something (or let Simon do it, if he wants)
<antocuni> at the Duesseldorf sprint we talked about writing a PEP. Maybe this could be the right occasion to ask for feedback about that?
<antocuni> Something like "we would like to write a PEP with this this and that, what do you think"?
<mattip> what would be in the PEP?
<mattip> I guess the question is what do we want/need from CPython?
<mattip> I seem to remember a response around packaging, something like "the hooks exist, find them and use them"
<antocuni> I think that the end goal of the PEP is for HPy to become "official"
<antocuni> whatever it means
<antocuni> we are basically asking a huge part of the python ecosystem "please use our new shiny technology for a better world"
<antocuni> but before it can happen, I think that the "python community as a whole" should declare that this is the way to go
<antocuni> I think that so far HPy is proving that this model is technically possible