i.e., before #including hpy.h, you have to define one of HPY_{CPYTHON,HYBRID,UNIVERSAL}_ABI macros
(our distutils integration does it automatically)
my problem is that inside our own code, we often have #ifdef HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI, which worked so far but now it's imprecise
because most of the times, we want "#ifdef "universal or hybrid" ABI'
the current solution which I came with is to say that HPY_HYBRID_ABI implies HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI, (so you can still do #ifdef HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI)
and at the same time, I also define HPY_UNIVERSAL_STRICT_ABI for the non-hybrid case
but I don't really like this solution because it's too confusing
so basically the question is: what is a good name for "universal or hybrid"?
I could use HPY_UNIVERSAL_OR_HYBRID_ABI but it looks weird
also, I wonder whether we should rename them. E.g.: HPY_ABI_CPYTHON, or even HPyABI_CPYTHON?
should we just not use `#ifdef` and instead `#if HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI()`, `#if HPY_HYBRID_ABI()` and `#if HPY_CPYTHON_ABI()` and helper macros to set those to avoid the confusion?
then you have to do `HPY_USE_HYBRID_ABI()\n#include "hpy.h"`
I don't understand what you mean
also, I don't think you can do "#if MACRO()"
but again, maybe a !HPY_CPYTHON_ABI could be "more semantically correct"?
> but the github workflow is not running
I think this is just because you have a merge conflict and CI usually uses the merge commit.
ah ok
makes sense
any opinion on the naming? :)
fangerer: indeed, I fixed the conflicts and now the checks are running, thank you!
concerning naming: the fact that hybrid implies universal makes sense to me. I don't find it confusing but I'm probably biased. Instead of `HPY_UNIVERSAL_STRICT_ABI` I would suggest to use `HPY_UNIVERSAL_PURE_ABI` since we already use the term `pure` in conjunction with types and that's related.
> also, I wonder whether we should rename them. E.g.: HPY_ABI_CPYTHON, or even HPyABI_CPYTHON?
Yes, that's a good idea. I think `HPY_ABI_*` is more common in C.
what I find confusing of the current state is that from the outside you specify -DHPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI
and then "#ifdef HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI" tests a slightly different thing
so basically currently #ifdef HPY_UNIVERSAL_STRICT_ABI tests whether you passed -DHPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI
and #ifdef HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI tests whether you passed either UNIVERSAL or HYBRID
we could say that you need to pass -DHPY_UNIVERSAL_PURE_ABI, but then to be consistent we should also use setup.py --hpy-abi=universal-pure
also from some point of view, "universal-pure" seems conceptually wrong: if it's not pure, it's not "universal" :)
I see. If we make `HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI` to be _strict_ then you cannot use legacy API, right? So far, we didn't prevent that.
I agree, that this would be simpler. Your only concern was the usage of the macros in our code. But we can easily change that.
I would not like to have `--hpy-abi=universal-pure`, so let's make `HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI` strict.
yes, that's what I'm doing in the branch
when you set HPY_UNIVERSAL_ABI, you will not be able to use legacy features
ok, we agree on this
but then we are back to square 1
what is the best name for "hybrid or universal"?
maybe it's just HYBRID_OR_UNIVERSAL 😅
but I am wondering whether there is anything which matches it more closely, like "HAS_CONTEXT" (which however sounds wrong in other ways)
yes, because we still have a context in all ABIs (because of the context handles)
I think I'll just use !CPYTHON 😅
I think we cannot use `#ifndef HPY_CPYTHON_ABI` because I have your HPy ABI picture in mind where implementations may add custom ABIs, right?
ah, that's true
but also, I think that for now we use it only in our internal code
what if you just use `#if defined(UNIVERSAL) or defined(HYBRID)`
yes, that's what I wanted to avoid because it seems too easy to make a mistake, forget a "defined(HYBRID)" somewhere and then have subtle bugs which manifests only with universal or only with hybrid
> but also, I think that for now we use it only in our internal code
Right, it wouldn't hurt HPy. Implementations will need to patch the code if they import it from vanilla HPy.
Okay, then let's use `#ifndef HPY_CPYTHON_ABI` but we need to add some docs about it.
thanks for the help
and sure, I'm also going to write docs
other question
do we want to run all tests with both hybrid and universal ABIs?
somehow I think we should, because we want to ensure that things works
at the same time, for the vast majority universal and hybrid is the same exact test
I would rather like to avoid that because it would significantly raise the time we need to run all tests. On the other hand, manually _tagging_ is error prone.
Since the most time consuming part of the tests is building the generated sources, I would suggest following:
(I don't think that it's the most time consuming part. I think the most time consuming part is the compilation of the [cpython] case because in that case we compile it together with many .c helpers)
okay, then I finally need to finish what I started there (having a static lib shipped for hte helpers)
we could also save the time for building the tests in debug mode since we could just use the universal mode binaries and run in debug mode
i.e. build once with `--hpy-abi=universal` and run with `universal context` and `debug context `
I never though it was worth the extra complexity
personally I'm using ccache on my machine and it works very well
like, running non-cpython tests is very fast
do you think we should enable ccache in the CI ?`
test_00_basic.py -k 'not cpython' runs in 14s on my machine (~0.3 secs/test)
ah I might have said nonsense
I don't think it's ccache which helps because every test generates a different .c file, so ccache cannot cache it
I think that a statically linked library with the helpers would help much more
another thing which we can investigate is using precompiled headers (if we don't already -- I don't remember)
I think they help a lot
and in most tests, the majority of code seen by the compiler is the header, because the .c files are very slim
for comparison, test_00_basic.py -k cpython takes 43.38 seconds (0.9 secs/test). So [cpython] tests are 3x slower than [universal] and [debug]
okay, the static lib for helpers will also fix a different problem; I'll work on that next