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<fangerer> we are still using the *free plan* which include 2000 CI/CD mins per month; so no direct costs
<fangerer> antocuni: I've rebased the metaclass PR (https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/pull/335) and all tests pass. Unless you want to have another look, I would just merge it.
<phlebas> since setuptools updated to default to automatic discovery, our existing ports are mostly broken, because they specify `hpy_ext_modules`, and the new mechanism only checks for `ext_modules`. I am inclined to just open a PR to setuptools to also take `hpy_ext_modules` into account, what do you think?
<antocuni> fangerer: +1 to merge
<antocuni> phlebas: what is automatic discovery?
<phlebas> this new thing we had trouble with in setuptools>=60 - where it tries to tell what the source layout of the project is in some new way and refuses to package if it cannot find out
<phlebas> setuptools broke compatibility and these days says "error: Multiple top-level packages discovered in a flat-layout: ['py', 'kiwi']." unless `py_packages` or `ext_modules` is given. if either of those are given, it uses the old behaviour. but our kiwi port replaces `ext_modules` with `hpy_ext_modules`, so it runs into that issue in kiwi
<phlebas> but maybe the "correct" answer is to fix project's setup.py or pyproject.toml while porting instead of having setuptools fall back to the old behaviour upon seeing `hpy_ext_modules`
<antocuni> oh I see, what a mess
<antocuni> I don't have any specific preference
<antocuni> but yes, talking to setuptools people sounds like a good idea
<antocuni> probably the best way is to describe to them what is our final goal, and they can propose hooks/features that we can rely on to achieve it
<antocuni> and hopefully we can also stop to monkey-patch them
<mattip> discussing with them seems like a good idea
<antocuni> thanks
<antocuni[m]> phlebas: I opened https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/issues/370 which tries to summarize the current status w.r.t setuptools&co
<antocuni[m]> you might want to mention it in your discourse thread
<phlebas> antocuni[m]: thanks. I want to look at the potential solutions they mention first
<antocuni[m]> (I have very bad connectivity because I'm on a train so I will go offline at any time)
<antocuni[m]> phlebas: I think that as it is written your question misses a lot of context, so it's probably easier for them if they know what we are trying to do and why :). But your choice
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