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<mattip> the functions HPy_ReenterPythonExecution and HPy_LeavePythonExecution need to accept/return a HPyThreadState, which wraps a PyThreadState*
<mattip> and the static inline functions _threads2h and _h2threads convert a handle to a PyThreadState
<mattip> on PyPy this requires cpyext
<mattip> was there any thought given to not tying the GIL handling together with the C-specific thread state struct, which is hard to replicate in cpyext?
<mattip> there are still open issues about PyPy's PyThreadState status, it would be nice to deprecate access to that info from C and require some python code eval to access the info
<mattip> in the meantime, I am implementing _h2threads as a stub function that raises NotImplementedError
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<antocuni> mattip: I think you are confused
<antocuni> from the HPy point of view, HPyThreadState is completely opaque: it's just a struct which contains an intptr_t
<antocuni> so in the PyPy implementation of HPy, we can choose to return whatever we want (probably a handle pointing to the result of state.get_thread_state())
<antocuni> the _threads2h and _h2threads that you are seeing are in the *cpython implementation of hpy*
<antocuni> so they are an implementation detail that has nothing to do with pypy
<antocuni> the layout of directories in the hpy repo is a big confusing, I admit
<antocuni> hpy/devel/include/hpy/universal/ contains the public API/ABI for universal extensions, and thus are relevant for PyPy
<antocuni> hpy/universal/* contains the the *CPython* implementation of hpy, so they are completely irrelevant for PyPy, GraalPy, etc.
<antocuni> maybe we should rename hpy/universal into hpy/cpy_universal
<antocuni> even more confusing, the cpython implementation of hpy is split into two different places:
<antocuni> hpy/universal/src and hpy/devel/include/hpy/cpython
<antocuni> because we have actually TWO implementations of HPy on CPython: the one which compiles HPy extension to the CPython ABI and the one which implement the HPy universal ABI on top of CPython; and some files are shared between the two, some are not
<antocuni> I hope I have clarified a bit instead of making things even more confusing :)