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<d1b2> <brainstorm> Alright, today I wanted to go for the "er, make that 00000000 00000000 and 11111111 11111111" hint to verify/determine the usercode_low/high settings (last thing to determine for the PR) is indeed 90,105....
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Then I got playing with ISE and sort of fantasizing that Glasgow could somehow emulate a Xilinx Platform Cable XD
<d1b2> <brainstorm> I managed to modify the .ucf file to generate a valid XC95288XL bitstream (from another target example), just remapping the pins specified.
<d1b2> <brainstorm> "usercode_low is the start fuse number for usercode low byte" ... I guess that this can be determined without flashing bitstreams somehow by just modifying the USERCODE pattern as indicated above in the ISE .bsd file and observing the resulting ready-to-flash-with-iMPACT file(s)?
<vup> @brainstorm I am not exactly sure how you are generating your bitstreams, but in general you can generate a `.jed` file which can be used for flashing with a specific usercode from a `vm6` file (the one that is the output of `cpldfit`) using `hprep6` and the `-n XXXX` option to specify the usercode
<vup> if you can map the `.jed` file to the glasgow format then you should be able to verify the usercode_{low,high}
<d1b2> <brainstorm> I've managed to refresh/regenerate the project and it generated a new .jed file that matches the CPLD I have, here it is: https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmSmGzipDnjTxdcbNGdTet8xihGwkVsx6iWAgjyqLNWTnA/#6Z5xRLT6Qufne2c9dFPeTphHdW1kWmHAfaMTYio6qVv1
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<d1b2> <brainstorm> Now, I'll manually specify that usercode with ISE and that -n parameter, but I'll have to see where to specify that (does ISE Project Navigator have a console other than the one showing logs/progress?)
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Will check preferences and see where I can pass parameters, thanks @vup!
<vup> Ah I did not manage to get the ISE UI running and have just been using it from the cli :)
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Running cpldfit... Command Line: cpldfit -intstyle ise -p xc95288xl-10-TQ144 -ofmt vhdl -optimize speed -htmlrpt -loc on -slew fast -init low -inputs 54 -pterms 25 -unused float -power std -terminate keeper jc2_top.ngd
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Ah, cool, found it a way to do it... hang on, you said hprep6, that's "Generate Programming File", getting there...
<d1b2> <brainstorm> "er, make that 00000000 00000000 and 11111111 11111111"... the project explorer says that the USERCODE parameter (-n to hprep6) has to be 4 alphanumeric characters, I'm not sure if "0000" and "11111" will be useful as a way to differentiate it in the sea of 0's I'm seeing in the resulting JED files 😒
<d1b2> <brainstorm> And the diff between USERCODE 0000 and USERCODE CAFE, for the lulz: https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmR8UWeBU9Mttu9FzysKt6jkvr9WRiWpPEJiHycZ2CvZgn/#BAxcbquwNeHB25cEFjmeUREF2PczaKMo5Wz3Vj8PeXrU Now I'll go back and read the init.py docs to make heads and tails of all this... thanks @vup!
<d1b2> <brainstorm> I'm not understanding this: https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/blob/2f48a32a8e1251c285b8ac578e1547c3afe5bcbf/software/glasgow/applet/program/xc9500xl/__init__.py#L201-L203, "It can be seen that USERCODE is written in the following device words"... maybe I need to go to sleep, I'm not seeing it :/
<vup> I think its hard to see, but it just falls out if you first apply this to go from jed address to word address: https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/blob/2f48a32a8e1251c285b8ac578e1547c3afe5bcbf/software/glasgow/applet/program/xc9500xl/__init__.py#L103
<_whitenotifier-1> [glasgow] brainstorm commented on pull request #285: XC95288XL support - https://git.io/JilGs
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Thanks @vup! I'm surrendering for tonight, I hope my last comment/notes on the PR make sense. Good night!
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