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<d1b2> <brainstorm> How was "bitstream_words" determined here?: https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow/blob/main/software/glasgow/database/xilinx/xc9500xl.py#L15 ... the datasheet claims 1600 instead of 1620 😒
<d1b2> <brainstorm> https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/data_sheets/ds057.pdf ... "It is comprised of four 54V18 Function Blocks, providing 1,600 usable gates"
<d1b2> <brainstorm> And the usercode_low/usercode_high? Can't find anything similar comparing the datasheet(s) ... forgive my CPLD-ignorance :/
<d1b2> <brainstorm> As I mentioned yesterday, I'm adding support for https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/data_sheets/ds055.pdf, which claims "6400 usable gates" ... should I add those extra 20 and make it 6420 gates?... are those extra 20 non-usable? How were they determined and how do I make sure there aren't more (or less) in this model?
<whitequark> brainstorm: everything related to XC9500XL was done with black box RE of programming traces
<whitequark> I'm afraid there is no actual documentation anywhere that you can just read... though openocd source code may have some useful pointers
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Ahh, gotcha, will read it thoroughly, thanks much!
<whitequark> ... i think i was -really- bored at some point
<whitequark> and had nothing better to do than to reverse-engineer a POST card
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Hey, those usually turn up to be the best projects, nothing bad with being bored every now and then 😉
<whitequark> the interface of that applet is really weird, requiring you to use a Glasgow-specific intermediate format
<whitequark> and an explicit conversion tool
<whitequark> dunno what i was thinking, that's silly
<d1b2> <brainstorm> My boredom with this particular CPLD is some camera link framegrabber card from a DNA sequencer: https://www.hackteria.org/wiki/HiSeq2000_-_Next_Level_Hacking
<whitequark> oh that's really fascinating
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Will see how far I go, just getting acquainted with its architecture
<whitequark> if you need assistance with RE ping me anytime
<whitequark> i've actually completely RE'd another CPLD family at one point
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Woot, <3, will do, thanks a lot 😉
<d1b2> <brainstorm> The crown jewel of that board is a Spartan 6 though, the CPLD seems to be only doing some RAM multiplexing, we can discuss some details in private if you are really keen, feeling a bit nervous of putting more stuff I've found in the open... but regardless, I'd like to put support for whatever I need along the way into Glasgow, I'm loving the board so far 😉
<whitequark> there's support for XC6S too!
<d1b2> <brainstorm> I know! ;)... says preview quality, I'll get there, but one step at a time 🙂
<whitequark> i don't quite remember what was preview quality about it
<whitequark> code looks okay, really
<whitequark> the hesitation is understandable, i think i'm not going to get involved much at the moment, have enough stuff on my plate
<whitequark> but i certainly can support you with the knowledge i have
<d1b2> <brainstorm> Fantastic! I'll try to self-direct with what's available out there with your pointers and not bother you too much for now, thanks for everything you are doing!
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