whitequark changed the topic of #glasgow to: digital interface explorer · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow · discord https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat · production https://www.crowdsupply.com/1bitsquared/glasgow (FUNDED)
<d1b2> <rpavlik> @esden et al: Desk of Lady Ada tonight is looking at alternatives/peer parts for your TPS regulator you can't source right now...
<d1b2> <rpavlik> TPS73201 as an alternative, rochester's got 3k of them on digikey, for ~$2 each, though
<d1b2> <rpavlik> next step "up" is TPS73401 which comes in both sot23-5 and wson, which seems a little more available-ish
<d1b2> <rpavlik> The stream archive will be on youtube, they usually post the "great search" clip portion separately within a day or two
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