dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<xx_ns> hi! any pointers on trying to debug why pipe-command-output doesn't seem to be doing anything?
<xx_ns> foot is 1.17.2
<xx_ns> i have the following in [key-bindings]
<xx_ns> pipe-command-output=[sh -c "f=$(mktemp); cat - > $f; footclient nvim -R $f; rm $f"] Control+Shift+g
<xx_ns> the command works fine when executed manually
<xx_ns> i have the OSC sequences set up correctly (i believe?)
<xx_ns> specifically, they can be seen here: https://git.dog/xx/.shincludes/src/branch/master/source/prompt#L42
<xx_ns> at least the A sequence seems to be working (I can jump between prompts using ctrl-shift-x/z)
<xx_ns> running foot with `-d info` doesn't show any warnings or anything, including when executing the keybinding
<xx_ns> if i set zsh to echo executed commands with `set -e`, i can see that `print -n '\e]133;C\e\'` is executed before any command and `print -n '\e]133;D\e\'` after it, which seems correct to me
<dnkl> some keyboards have issues with certain key combinations, so verify your keyboard can generate that combo
<xx_ns> interesting, just tested with wev and it does seem like the G keypress is never sent for whatever reason
<xx_ns> oh, apparently it doesn't like my caps2esc/ctrl
<xx_ns> when i use caps as ctrl, it doesn't seem to work, but if i use the actual control key, it works
<xx_ns> well, thanks, i'll just have to map it to something else i guess
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<toast> esc/ctrl? how are you doing the mapping
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<xx_ns> toast: using Interception Tools and https://gitlab.com/interception/linux/plugins/caps2esc
<xx_ns> (I also have `xkb_options ctrl:nocaps` in my sway config for devices which don't have Interception installed, but on this machine specifically, Interception takes precedence and sway doesn't even see me pressing caps lock)
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<baltazar> (you could just caps:escape I think)
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<toast> yeah indeed you’re better off just using native ways to achieve this rather than doing some custom processing
<toast> notably caps:escape is for esc and not for ctrl, as well
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