dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.16.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<nk3> :)
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<nk3> codebam: hi :)
<codebam> why does restarting foot-server kill tmux?
<codebam> hi
<nk3> oh wow that was quick :D
<codebam> :)
<nk3> if someone knows an answer, then the people right in here I think...
<codebam> tmux attaches to the terminal server process?
<nk3> codebam: and if you wait a couple of hours fo dnkl to pop up, I'm sure he will at least be able to give some valuable pointer.
<codebam> okay
<nk3> codebam: that's my guess, question is why.
<nk3> I would imagine the process to stick to the parent if the foot server dies.
<nk3> but I'm obviously wrong and can't test better right now.
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