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<dnkl> baltazar: I replied over at #sway-devel
<dnkl> but it'd probably be best to continue the discussion here
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<baltazar> yea I've seen it though I'm not entirely sure what to do with that info. how can I check if subpixel antialiasing is enabled, and can I confirm that it's indeed the cause?
<dnkl> baltazar: no need for you to do anything right now. I've been able to reproduce it myself. There were a couple of issues. I'll post a PR, hopefully later today. If you could test that, it'd be great
<baltazar> ah ok, sure
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<baltazar> dnkl: hmm, pgo appears to be broken with that
<baltazar> /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccQ9sAq4.ltrans3.ltrans.o: in function `osc_dispatch':
<baltazar> /usr/src/debug/foot-git/foot/build/../osc.c:737: undefined reference to `wayl_win_alpha_changed'
<baltazar> or maybe it's not just pgo
<baltazar> dnkl: compiling without pgo did work, though it doesn't seem to fix the issue
<baltazar> ah wait nvm
<baltazar> yea it fixes it, I just have to adopt this to my keybind to change alpha patch :P
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<baltazar> I assume all that's needed is http://0x0.st/HqvK.diff but otherwise it seems fine
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