dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.14.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> (yes, I know you're ssh:ing, but the issue is the same)
<dnkl> s/you're/you're not/
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<Kabouik> But I am on a Debian-based distro and foot-terminfo was installled at the same time as foot dnkl
<dnkl> Kabouik: run "infocmp -x" and check if it complains. If not, then it's an application or distro issue
<Kabouik> It does not complain, just threw a bunch of keqsequences which I think are from the terminfo for foot
<Kabouik> key sequences*
<dnkl> then either the failing applications are looking for terminfo in the wrong place, or maybe they have their own built-in terminfo database
<Kabouik> Hum, coult it be then caused by foot being installed by apt, while the said apps are installed by Guix package manager? Maybe installing foot from Guix would solve that issue. Thanks for the hint.
<Kabouik> s/coult/could
<Kabouik> Guix package manager is busy compiling a lot of deps right now on the device, so I cannot try now, but definitely will.
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<Kabouik> Hum, I get a setlocale() failed with foot installed from Guix.
<Kabouik> I needed glibc-locales apparently
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<Kabouik> So that solved the locale thing but unfortunately some applications still send me a faiure to open foot. Those are applications installed from Guix (just like foot): cpulimit, and nmail
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<dnkl> Kabouik: I would try the guix support channels. They should be used to terminal emulator issues like this
<Kabouik> I will try, thanks.
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<Kabouik> So I needed to install ncurses from Guix and then log out and in again for a new env var to be set, apparently.
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