I bisected it to ac558f5441a56c29e15faf120c4d07f98622c630
nvm just needed to explicitly set font...
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llyyr: hopefully, the commit message explains why the behavior changed for you
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leon-p: got a patch that I'll push later.
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dnkl: FYI, tried a master build of foot, appears to work just fine. I only notice that there's slightly less padding/margin around the edges of the entire terminal, not sure if that's intentional or if it's due to my lazy build and test attempt
i.e. all I did was make the build dir, run mason, run ninja, and run the foot binary without actually installing themes/terminfo/etc in the proper places
so perhaps it's mixing the new foot binary with the release themes/terminfo files in /usr
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mvdan: the default size of the margins have been changed, intentionally (from 2px to 0px)
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Ah gotcha. I think I like the margins better. In any case, master works for me :)
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