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prompt-prev/next might be the best thing since sliced bread
Arsen: right! For me, it was one of those things you didn't you needed. But once you're used to having it, there's no going back.
exactly! I used to just C-S-r [i]/[c] (which happen to always be in my prompt lines)
btw, it's possible to enable this in a bunch more programs (especially useful for me in gdb) via .inputrc:
set vi-cmd-mode-string "\1\e]133;A\e\\\e[1m\2[c]\1\e[0m\2 "
set vi-ins-mode-string "\1\e]133;A\e\\\e[1m\2[i]\1\e[0m\2 "
... assuming readline vim mode, a similar thing can be done with emacs-mode-string and show-mode-in-prompt
nice, I should add that to the wiki
a little decomposition would also be nice, so that people know how to use mode strings other than mine; it's just a matter of putting the same code as the printf the wiki already mentions between \1 and \2 (start and end unprintable sequence in readlines lingo), so just "\1\e]133;A\e\\\2" is the magic string
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