Done with implementing kitty's CSI for unerlines. What do you think? http://0x0.st/oSLC.png
Sad thing is, neovim checks $TERM and if it's not xterm-kitty, it won't spit these sequences, only generic one, which is just straight underline with colour of letter above it
kraftwerk28: are you sure it also doesn't check terminfo? There's a capability for colored/styled underlines
nsurses package already adds /usr/share/terminfo/f/foot file, so it should be overriden somehow
kraftwerk28: the answer to the first question is yes
the answer to the second question is much longer, for which I'll need a computer to type up...
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kraftwerk28: ncurses' terminfo is the recommended terminfo, for various reasons. Mainly to avoid package collisions. However, the ncurses maintainer only accepts "standard" terminfo capabilities. This excludes a couple of tmux related capabilities "our" terminfo sets
that's the main reason we _have_ our own terminfo
however, it is up to distributions to choose which terminfo to package
some distributions, like arch, provide "our" terminfo in a separate package, renamed to e.g. "foot-extra"
this allows ncurses' terminfo, and ours, to be installed side-by-side, and the user can choose which one to use by setting "term" in foot.ini
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Ok, that makes sense. I placed compiled terminfo from my PR into ~/.terminfo and it seems to work with kitty underlines and TERM=foot, hope I haven't forgotten any other fields
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