dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
<ericonr> I feel like the answer is yes
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<dnkl> ericonr: yeah, I'd say so
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<ericonr> lemme implement that real quick then
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<ericonr> opened PR
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<w0rm> dnkl: mind sharing the colors for https://linuxrocks.online/@dnkl/106872994609390986 (the bright ones specifically)?
<w0rm> I realized our desktops seem quite similar - solarized, emacs + few other overlaps :-)
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<w0rm> i.e. I don't think https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/src/branch/master/themes/solarized-dark is quite it - the brights are different
<tsujp> im running foot on GNOME, it has a default bar and close, maxmise, minimise button. Can I change these? It looks like this currently https://i.imgur.com/gYsgKK2.png
<emersion> tsujp: no, and that's a GNOME bug, they don't support server-side decorations
<tsujp> :( I was hoping I would be able to change it with some GNOME CSS
<tsujp> is there an openpr or other discussion for a patch emersion?
<emersion> they don't want SSDs
<emersion> end result is anything which is not GTK looks like shit
<emersion> (well, s/shit/out of place/)
<tsujp> is there no possible local patch I can make to this? If there's a PR which was denied I could take that commit and compile GNOME myself to have that feature?
<w0rm> dutchie: I don't think so - https://linuxrocks.online/@dnkl/106679984483365920
<tsujp> or perhaps I can wrap foot in GTK with a patch myself so I can get it? I'm not familiar with how to go around this
<emersion> not aware of any, but i don't follow GNOME patches at all
<emersion> my suggestion is, just don't use GNOME :P
<w0rm> I would assume this would be a mutter thing
<w0rm> yeah, there's that... :-)
<tsujp> KDE instead?
<testuser[m]> just dont use a DE
<testuser[m]> sway or somethin
<emersion> KDE supports SSDs, at least
<tsujp> i want to use a DE for now because I spend endless amounts of time configuring sway, hikari, river, i3 etc instead of being productive
<tsujp> not because they require endless configuration but because its fun and I have no self control
<w0rm> yeah, seems kwin/kde supports SSD
<dnkl> w0rm: it's solarized, but using only the 8 base/regular colors. Then I wrote a script that brightens a color by converting to HSL, increasing L (luminance), and then converting back to RGB
<tsujp> LXDE and XFCE support SSD too?
<emersion> they aren't wayland
<dnkl> This works for me since e.g the emacs theme (also solarized) is 24-bit and doesn't rely on the terminal's 16 base colors
<w0rm> dnkl: right, and I am a lazy butt who's asking for those bright #RGB values without doing the actual work :-)
<w0rm> and yeah, I used solarized in emacs, gtk apps, firefox - pretty much everywhere I can
<tsujp> lmfao the discussion on SSD on gnomes gitlab instance turned into a decent flamewar, clasic
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<dnkl> w0rm: ah 😂. No computer access atm, but will paste them somewhere later. Remind me if I forget...
<w0rm> dnkl: ack, ty - will do
<tsujp> i should write my own DE, how hard can it be? only semi /s here
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<w0rm> dnkl: not sure if it's time already but reminder about the bright colors :-)
<dnkl> w0rm: nope, but soon, hopefully
<dnkl> w0rm: you'll have to remove 'unfocused-alpha'...
<w0rm> dnkl: much obliged
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